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What size tanks/s do I need?


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I have decided to get a big tank/s instead of keep getting more and more smaller tanks.

So thought if we decide which fish we want then work out what we need to house them all. Here's the list :

6 corys

2 bristlenoses

10 glowlights

6 Diamond tetras

10 Head and tail light tetras

10 Black Neons

6 Phantom tetras

2 Honey Gourami

2 Bolivan Rams

Perhaps a whiptail or two?

We have around 20 guppies and 20 neons in other tanks.

How would you arrange these fish?

I would like to have a large planted tank or two.

What could I keep together and what size tanks should I be thinking of? We have enough room for big tanks.


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The bigger the better really. If you can and would like to go bigger then I advise you to do so. If it was me, I'd have a couple of 1500x600x400mm (LxWxH) tanks and have larger schools of fish. The more fish in a school, the happier the fish will be (provided it's a schooling fish) and the better the visual impact will be.

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I have the guppies separated at the moment. May just put in males or females or was hoping that when they do breed the fry will get eaten. Sounds mean - the 1st few lots you try to save then its like - huum if I don't look maybe they'll disapear!

Don't depend on them all getting eaten! I made the mistake of doing this once and soon the tank was overflowing with guppies! I ended up catching them alland giving them back to the shop within a few weeks!

As far as I can see you have no large carniverous fish in there so chances are a lot of guppy fry will survive.

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