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Whiptail ID


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Can you ID this whiptail for me.. I know what it was sold as but I was wondering what other people think ..

He does have a long thready bit at the end of his tail but its not showing well in the photo.

That plant in the background left was nice and healthy until the whiptail, came and made it his home and is slowly eating through the leaves - maybe that was just coincidence, maybe I don't have enough light. The whiptail won't accept any other vege matter and loves decaps brine shrimp eggs.


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I've got two of those. While searching through my fishy books i found what they actually are:

Its from Axelrod's Mini Atlas

One of the book's symbols means it likes vegetable matter

cool , thanks. I bought his as a black whiptail. He won't accept any vegetable matter at all.. have given him zucchini, peas, pumpkin, carrot, silver beet, brocolli, - won't touch any of it. As soon as i feed the baby platys brine shrimp eggs he's out scrounging! And that's the only thing I'ver actually seen him eat. (besides putting holes in the plant) .

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I've got two of those. While searching through my fishy books i found what they actually are:


Its from Axelrod's Mini Atlas

One of the book's symbols means it likes vegetable matter

Have a look here, http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=2284

They look quite different.

I still reckon they're R. Lanceolata, http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=739/http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=745

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  • 4 weeks later...


Read all notes and the name black whiptail is from "Peru "..

They to are not convinced they are lanceolata as much heavier body around the chest ..

So nor am i...As every photo ive seen shows long and thin and far from the case..

They eat mixed flake here and fry have live brine shrimps..Even will clean some algae of fine plants..

Adult females eat there own fry ..At 10mm 70 in one night just ??? Gone.....

Rest Is guess work as Planetcats fish changed the size down quite receintly..Phill

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Dixon 1990

Why dont you read what i put..

Strange tho..Every time i post something you come up with silly remarks...Same on t/me

Since when are you a world expert of Peru Caught Amazon Fish..Have you been there and seen the fish ?.

Well i dont think so and i have been there and actually dived with wild fish...Caught wild discus etc..You cant get every thing from a few books.

Phill Collis

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There seems to be more than one variety on the market. Some of you say they eat only plant material and algae while others say they only eat meat. I have seen similar comments in books and on the net when I was researching them. I have bought 3 and from those 3 there are 2 distinct colour types. The big ones being diferent colours. They are 10cm if you do not include the thin whips. I bought them as Royal whip tails. One of the big ones looks the same as Phils. THe ones I have all enjoy algae chips and algae on plants.

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Study ........ Sturistoma As they to are also called Royal Whiptail...

Main dif is longer and more pointed nose..Also an albino true strain in the wild

True Amazon Royal is rounded nose ....And also to about 250mm

I had some some but not one made it past a few days....Talk about crying in your dram.....Phill

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