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Little Fry


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I know this has been done many times but I have found some fry hanging out in my 54L planted.

There is one male platy, two young rams and two ottos. Not the platy so who is it? Would otto fry stick to the glass? No ones looking after them but I have caught two in a cup until I fix up the net breeder. Trying for a third now.

Have some algae covered riccia in the cup with them, hoping they can eat what ever's living in that. Too small for crushed flakes, maybe M worms though.

Any ideas on what they could be?

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No one seems interested in them at this stage, super happy I've "saved" two so far. Hoping the ones that were knocked down by my clumsy catching haven't been gobbled by the platy.

Fed the tank so hopefully they won't be hungry. They're not sticking to the glass so I think they're Rams. 8)

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They will be either Poropanchax normani or Psuedepiplatys annulatus - Norman's Lampeye or Clown killies.

I feed mine JBL Novotom.

My evil plan to spread Killies around is working!!!

Found anything in your tank yet, Phoenix?

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Wait a bit, if they get blue glowy bits over their eyes, they are normani.

If not, and they seem to take ages to grow but develop stripes when really little, they are annulatus.

I would wager on the annulatus at this stage.

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That would be telling!!!

Actually, these types of killies, especially the annulatus are surface dwellers, and the fry from day one are always at the top.

They must be pretty hardy to have survived being unceremoniously dragged out of the tank in some riccia, biffed into a ziplock bag, sit in my bag most of the day, stuffed into a cardboard anti-crush construction that I had to make for the envelope with the bag in it, squeezed into the post box because it must have been borderline 20mm thick, transported to the mail sorting centre in a van, sorted, then thrown in a bag and placed on a truck up to Auckland then delivered to you, possibly on a scooter or pushbike.

Not bad, aye?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sounds like you may have enough light, N1ck.

If you want some more, I can send you a few little bits that are starting to annoy me in my 2footer, get stuck on the moss and grow in little clumps, mind you, having a Fluval 304 in one end of the tank probably doesn't help...

Yeah the annulatus is almost twice the size of the other one. Do I need to separate them soon? :-?

They have deceptively large mouths, but it should be ok for a while.

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