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Fighter with Whitespot


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Looking closely at my new red Delta fighter and noticed he had little white speck things on his anal fin. Looked even closer and saw they were all over his body. Pressuming Whitespot at this stage but none of the other's in the divided system even show signs of it. Fish are all acting normally, the other male even made a bubble nest in some floating Riccia.

So I dosed some tonic (meth blue and malachite green) and added an airstone.

Anything else I can do?

Will this work? If so, how long until it's over?

Thanks heaps! :hail:

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Yeah, I think it is stress associated. Kinda like the common cold, always present but arises in times of stress. Never had it before that I know of, just hope I'm doing the right things. I swear they weren't on him when I got him or even yesterday. I'm pretty sure that little irregular whitespots all over him are not his pattern.

The instructions on Tonic say to dose 1 drop per litre, make a 25% water change on day 3 and add 1ml per 30 litres. On day 7, do another 25% change and add carbon.

Should I follow the instructions?

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is it fungal? I think it might be, in which case left untreated wont be good, but Im not sure there. I think because its stress related there must be a very fine line between caring/treating and over doing it. Someone here will know exactly what it is. My understanding goes, like you say its something thats always there but wont effect a happy fish, it effects tiny tiny cuts or sores, or even in between the scales. I wonder if its also some how related to diet like pimples in humans. I still got so much to learn so the gurus will clear all my nonsence up in a giffy lol. I would tend to try do the same I would for any stressed animal, some where still and quiet, nothing to worry about except getting better.

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from what i know, yes its one of those things that is nearly always in your tank, and only takes hold when the fish are stressed. I think the most common cause of it is bad water quality/overstocking. There's lots of different treatments, like raising the temperature, salt, lots of water changes, different meds, but i've always just used wundercure and it goes in a few days. I've had a few batches of fish from shops come with it but its never been a major problem.

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white spot will kill i it gets out of control

if left untreated the white spots (spores) will basically explode and become microscopic..

once this happens its very hard to control and will pretty much kill everything unless you shock dose the tank with white spot cure etc

white spot can stay dormont in the tank but doesnt take much to trigger it..

generally white spot is associated to temperature fluctuations of more than 2degrees or constant change in temps..

id check your heater to be safe...

could be associated with the new fish introduction from fish shop/ temp drop on way home etc? or the tank in shop being at 24.. and your home one being alot higher etc and not warming/equalizing the bag before releasing

if you catch it early enuf ul be sweet

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white spot is basicallly a round spore... so yep 3d :)

its temperature fluctuation more than anything say if tank gets colder overnight and warms up during the day etc (can happen alot more often now as temps are warming up ).. sudden ph change might also play a part.

most fish shops water is around 7-7.4

i generally try and add small amount of your tank water in bag.. and float bag in water for half hour.. and add more water into bag

then re float for another halfhour etc

then id net the fish out of bag and disgard the water (incase fish shop had any thing in the water your minimising exposure )

sometimes il put them in quarantine tank for 10-14days before introducing into my aquarium...

as 14days a good incubation period and usually shows signs by then if going to get anything

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Water is being aerated, has been since I dosed.

It's a bummer that he's in the tank with two other fish :evil:

I floated them for five mins after taking out all but the water to cover them plus a few cms more. Added half a cup of water every five mins then let them swim out.

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Yeah nice boy alright, Metalic blue pwns its why I love my boy so much, plus hes the sweetest :P (great big bloody bogan softy I am) If you planning on breeding him you have to let me know, I havnt been going for tail type but that sweet metalic colour, the girl I got today has some kinda stripey thing going shes dark coloured but the shine off her scales is amazing and shes got a full tail not vt, and a hint of metalic blue in her tail too. Im thinking theres some smexy lil bubbas there. th_IMG_0173.jpg thats Coby sorry i posted him twice now lol, I cant help it im so proud of my lil man, considering he was swimming on his side on the surface when i picked him up.

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This is the second post of my guy on this forum too! :D

Super proud of him, only $5 but he has a slight kink in the base of his tail. I'm going more for tail type but would be keen to get any spawn in. Once I moved the platies and BN's out of the 80litre and the fighters mature (if they get through this whitespot) I'll use it as a massive spawning and rearing tank.

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