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Suggestions please on cold water species


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I am wanting to add some friends for my 4 little white cloud minnows, as I am moving the 2 goldfish to the outside pond.

I have no idea what is available or what to get

I would love to set up a tropical tank, but we have too many power cuts where I live (Nth of Dargaville) I would be terrified the fish would die!

Any suggestions would be great, not much of a choice in Dargaville :wink: , but I do go over to Whangarei once and awhile.

Also thinking of using my bigger tank for native NZ fish, does anyone know where to get these?


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There are quite a selection to chose from:

Bigger species


Lion Head



Bubble Eye


Smaller Species

Rosy Barbs

Danios (Zebra etc)

algae eaters (great to eat algae off the glass)

Hoplo catfish (will survive in cold as well)

Peppered catfish

It really depends on what you like.

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Golden Barbs go okay in cold water.

Leopard fish, another one.

Some Killies don't mind the cooler temps either.

DON'T get a Chinese Algae Eater :evil:

I didn't think you need heating up that way.

Aren't you guys 18 plus thru winter.

Trops will be okay at that.

Alan 104

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Make a family outing out of it and go catch your own native fish from the local streams. Small, clear streams coming out of the bush are good target areas.

We use to do this in the NZ FWNFC, and some of my most enjoyable times were splashing around in the water in our persuit of our target fish.

It is amazing what a little ingenuity and patience can reward you with.

Only catch juveniles tho, and try to transfer the fish to the bag without the fish leaving the water, they are VERY prone to whitspot.

Our catching bags were dosed with furenace spp?, an attempt to prevent any ailments attacking our targets.

White bait are natives, and now is the whitebait season, just don't fritter them on the way thru the kitchen tho.

Alan 104

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An outing with my 2 little kiddies sound like just the thing.....been talking about it for awhile now.

I have tried to get in touch with the Seahorse Farm....emailed and rang 2, left messages on the answer phone......no replies as yet....been waiting for over a week now :-?

Thanks for the info everyone.

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