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Bottom feeding fish...what would you recommend


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Hi all

What fish would you have as a bottom feeding fish

This is for a tank that has

1 Angel Fish

1 Platy

4 Neons

20 Approx guppys

Have been told catfish are great bottom feeders, as well as great for eating algae...would you agree with this. Would catfish be compatable with the above?

Thanks for suggestions

Bartering Rocks my world :hail:

Wanting 50w heater in exchange for home baking or 1 hour House keeping

Christchurch Central only

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Have been told catfish are great bottom feeders, as well as great for eating algae...would you agree with this. Would catfish be compatable with the above?

Depends on the catfish, there are several hundred species of catfish. Cories are reasonably good for cleaning up dropped food, but don't eat algae. Plecos aren't quite as good at eating missed food, but do eat algae. A bristlenose or two would probably be your best bet.

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Go the bristlenoses! In a tank that size you would only need one, and since they seem to live happily on their own that will be fine. They do a great job of eating many types of algae and in my tank they seem to never sleep! They spend all their time cleaning the rocks and glass.

:bounce:Hehehe, are ristlenose's like Bristlenose's or a bit different? :D :bounce:


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Go the bristlenoses! In a tank that size you would only need one, and since they seem to live happily on their own that will be fine. They do a great job of eating many types of algae and in my tank they seem to never sleep!

they are nocturnal. i have found GAE to be a far better algae eater as i had wood in the tank & the BN pretty much stuck to eating that. Whether your tank is big enough for a GAE i am unsure, they get around my 4 footers pretty well.

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I have always mixed the clean up crew, i have loaches & algae eaters. The loaches i had in a community were skunk & clowns which tend to eat the left over food & let the GAE eat the algae. Now that i only have clowns the get all left over food, i haven't noticed a GAE eat food but that doesn't mean he doesn't. :)

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