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I found an injured bird


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break appears to be in the ball and socket joint.

ill take a pic of the wing as well..

implied swearing!! hard to fix

does the wing have some movement or just hanging?

is it broken or just popped out of socket

does it feel gritty if you move wing means a break

place wing against body and run a piece of sellotape around body and lower chest just in front of legs

not too tight just enough to stop movement in joint

then run another piece around behind legs but not over the rectum :o

leave on for 2 - 3 weeks then spray with water and remove gently while holding wing in place

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So I got to thinking.

If something ever happened to rusty.. say he broke his wing.. I would take him straight to the wildlife vet - even if i could fix the problem at home. so why should I treat lille gremmy any different?

I helped him out and now he has energy, but I've taken an appointment at the Massey wildlife vets and I shall check the finch in there. poor little gremlin needs a proper look at with x rays.

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well guys.

the wildlife vet was actually quite surprised that the bird wasn't already dead so I did good :D

but the bird has a fair bit wrong with it.

aside from the eye and the broken wing - I also noticed it had a very severely enlarged and inflamed air sac. so got that checked out as well, and it turns out that he may have a blockage that is causing the air sac to fill like a balloon. so it will live at the vets until it gets better - if it gets better and then gremlin will go into rehab :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow bro I just seen all this, Total and upmost respect for all the work you've done. After reading the news about that avary attack this has lightened my mood lots. Let us know what the vet bill costs and Ill contribute, it might not be much as Im far from wealthy but Im sure it will help out.

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