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Help I.D. this plant for me.


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Hey there.

Well i have this plant, got it from a friends goldfish pond. Grows very fast, has little yellow flowers kinda like little small buttercup flowers. I have it in my pond and recently put it in my tank and seem to be growing fine. It also has runners which sprout little babies.


Sorry about the sunlight my tubes broken.

I can take more if this is a useless photo :P

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Yes the one in the middle with the leaves growing out.

Sorry forgot about the one behind/right. Thats a completely different plant sorry.

But yea i just wanted to know the name of the plant so i could google it to find more info on it.

So yea if anyone could help. It would be greatly appreciated.


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It grows both.

In my pond its potted and grows up and out of the water (with those same leaves). And then little yellow flowers(pretty much like little buttercups) grow up and out onto the waters surface.

From the pot/base of the plant runners grow and a baby plant grows (under water/submerged) until...well...it grows larger and emerges.

I think i may have to get a photo of it flowering for you guys. Hopefully the one in the pond will flower soon due to the nice weather lately.

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