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Daffodil day


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I hope we are all donating generously. :bounce: :D

Remember you can donate at any place in the country that is collecting money on behalf of the cancer society. That includes the people collecting money and the national banks around the country.

100% of proceeds go to the cancer society.

best get donating then people.

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For those of you that are not close to a bank or dont have collectors in their area you can donate other ways

ResizedImage4848-user1_mobilephone.gif Text Your Donation

It's quick and easy to donate from your cell phone - simply text "daffday" to 2448 to make an instant $3 donation. Please note texts can be sent from Telecom and Vodafone cell phones.

ResizedImage4848-user_headset.gifCall 0900 31 111

Make an instant $20 donation by dialing 0900 311 11, which will automatically be charged to your telephone account. Your donation will be put to good use in your community.

ResizedImage4848-laptop.gifDonate Online

Tell us the amount you’d like to donate and enter your credit card details on our secure and easy online donation form. We’ll do the rest. http://www.daffodilday.org.nz/donate-3/

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What about the fake silk/plastic one?

I know the bulbs of the daffodils are extremely poisonous, causing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

The toxins are lycorine and galantamine alkaloids and glycoside scillitoxin.

Our idiot Mutt would eat the bulbs occasionally, but never seemed to get sick from them, but there again, he would eat a lawn full of sour plums and not get the trots, either!

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you gotta pay taxes. left up to me we would pay even more taxes.

nice to support people with cancer though. can only imagine how hard times are for them.

Wait til you get out of uni and start earning a decent salary and see how fast your ideas about more taxes change. My partner and I both earn a reasonable salary, and between us contribute around $1200 a fortnight (>$30k p.a!) to the general coffers (and thats just PAYE! Never mind GST, petrol tax, ACC levys, GST on petrol tax and ACC levys, etc), which is a similar amount to the payments on our $425k mortgage. We still have health insurance because of the lousy public system, and Hannah had a close to $50k student loan to get her degree (and she worked part time while studying too!). I simply cannot believe that there is a need for charities as important as cancer research to be out on the street begging for money, and as cruel as it sounds I refuse to give a cent to anyone like that because I feel I am already making a big enough contribution. If they want more money they should be pestering the government to sort its books out, stop wasting money on things like night classes for belly dancing, hip hop tours, the excessive number of paper-pushes in government departments etc. I am convinced that if someone had the guts, brains and public support to tear the current system down and start from scratch NZ could have an efficiently run government providing first class health care, education, infrastructure, and law enforcement without robbing the working public of a cent more (and maybe even being able to give some back).

But I agree it would be nice to support causes like this, I just think they're begging to the wrong people...

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You do need to remember that if you did not pay that much tax then people would not be able to get student loans. This would mean that Hannah would not be earning as much as she would not have a degree/high paying job and you also would not need to worry about the loan payments because you would not be earning enough to qualify for a loan.

I hate it when people take advantage of the benefits from tax payers then when they don't need the hand out any more they moan about the fact then have to pay as much tax.

I am saying this as a high earner that pays a lot of tax and still give to charity because they need all the help they can get. If we got rid if student loans and put all that cash to the ones that need it most I might not give anything.

I think this is where I should point out that they are not government sponsored as they should be so if you might be a bit behind in you 33% donations from your income there David :) I suggest setting up an automatic payment today and don't forget to back date the amount owing


The Cancer Society is an independent charity and is not funded by the Government. We rely on personal support, such as donations and bequests, and fund-raising events including Relay For Life and Daffodil Day

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I'm not really sure what you're getting at, I know the Cancer Society isn't government funded, what I suggested is that it SHOUL BE government funded because of the essential nature of the service they provide. I'm not really moaning about the amount of tax we pay as I am about the wasteful inefficient way in which it is spent, and the fact that charities like the Cancer Society even need to exist while we have government funded belly dancing courses!

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erm... i do earn a decent salary, and my views on tax will not change just because im going to be paying the highest tax bracket when im done at the end of this year.

any how this thread was not meant to be a dig at how terrible taxes are, or the pros and cons of taxes.

Lets just leave it at this please - the whole cancer issue is a sore spot for me.

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