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Pics of my 7 week olds


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True they are big tanks and half the time someone sticks them in with fish they dont get along with, e.g Angels >.< (so they only have half a tail :()

But they do get some v. nice ones in every now and then

and there are good hiders when they want to be :lol:

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I saw Fighters with fancy guppies at Animates and they seemed to be fine. Depends on the fish I guess. Now they have them all in those little Barrack things, only ever seen VT's though. :evil:

How are these fish doing now ADodge?

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i have a female fighter in with my guppies- no problems.

I just added 2 platy in with my male fighter and he spent about an hr flaring at them , then I fed him and he forgot he was chasing them lol. now they are ignoring each other.

I was at a petshop in rotorua and saw a tank of guppies only and they had lots of torn tails.

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from what they look like they are growing way faster than my halfmoon spawn which were layed on the same week.

mine are growing steadily.. but have only been feeding microworms and brine shrimp occ ... starting to feed brineshrimp one feed and one feed microworms per day now

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heres an update pic - its hard to tell as its not that great but the biggest difference is in how much the tail has spread out. Now I can tell they are not vt. There are 3 males quite a bit bigger and one female. However they will have to coexist for the mean time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres another updated pic. Two are significantly bigger than the rest (body 3cm+) and then theres about another 4 (all males) and then the rest. I can identify 3-4 females already so am pleased.

I was going to divide off part of the tank into three (for the 3 biggest and nicest males) using the dividers that you used to be able to buy. The tanks 30cm x 30cm but I can't get them up here, apparently they aren't imported anymore. If anyone has three dividers that I could buy please let me know. So instead I bought a lot more floating plants for the tank.


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A few days short of 3 months old and I have had two seperate the two biggest males - the first picture shows them squaring off against each other this morning. The reason - a huge bubble nest and a lovely female full of eggs and barred up.

Heres the last pic - the next one will be when they are ready for selling in 5 weeks.


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its amazing once they get to this age how quickly their fins grow etc .

they change daily... the one in the top left is looking real nice :)

mine are growing fast..

even my month old spawn are growing real fast now

not as fast as the gouramis who i think almost doubled in size this week :P

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A few days short of 3 months old and I have had two seperate the two biggest males - the first picture shows them squaring off against each other this morning. The reason - a huge bubble nest and a lovely female full of eggs and barred up.

Heres the last pic - the next one will be when they are ready for selling in 5 weeks.


nice fighters :bow::bow: look like there's a mixture of tail types and nice combinations of colours.

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