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handfeed them.

that is bound to work.

dont be afraid if they bite you. its a bit of a shock but does not hurt at all.

setting up tank is easy.

use sand (builders sand looks nice). some large rocks to landscape with - nothing sharp.

ps- i hope you have a 3ft - 4ft tank for them.

cold water.

get a good filter as they are messy as hell ha ha.

do regular water changes and gravel vacs.

surely you were not just sold the pets, and was given plenty info and care advise?

what sort of tank is it?

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Hahaha!!! They look so scary with hands and legs attached to them. Actually I jump a mile up when they move in the tank. It seems that my tank is too small for them. Will change the tank this weekend. Currently they are in a 2 foot tank. I was told to have a heater in the tank but temp of 15 - 22 deg. The temperture of the water is around 15deg. I dont have sand in the tank but normal pebbles. I will change that as well and try. Will get my boy to hnd feed them as I an too scared LOL. thanks for your advise :D

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probally best to remove the pebbles too as they could eat them, and bad things can happen if they eat stones.

heater shouldnt really be necessary. and is the temp that low with the heater light off as i thought that heaters cant get that low? could be wrong.

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oh really. this means that I was not given the correct info when I bought them. I set up the tank exactly as I was told and now I am going to change the setting and let yous know.

they slow down on feeding when they are colder

if they get too warm you can end up with problems as well

don't get a filter that puts too much flow in the tank as this can damage their gills

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