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Acanthicus hystrix


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I know there are plenty in Oz. I would assume that there would be a few around in NZ too.

Acanthicus adonis, Polka-dot lyer tail could be it, if not the hystrix. I had a polk dot a few years ago, one very very angry little guy, had to get rid of it! A mate took it off my hands and it tore his L25 to pieces, the scarlet was twice his size too.

Would love to know where you saw it...Must have been in one huge tank...

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thats the problem!

it was in kiwi pets at fraser cove... with thier divided tanks, although its not too big atm (maybe 10-15cm) if it is Acanthicus hystrix its going to get real big sometime, and judging from the facts below, i doubt theyd know what it is or the potential size, and sell it to a little girl with a 40x20x20 plastic aqua one...

whilst here better add i spent bouwt 20 mins wandering around the place before offered service (they were having too good a chat by the counter)

they had khuli spelt " coolie banded loach"

ALL the tanks for sale are plastic.... except 1, labeled for reptiles..

schooling fish (glass catfish, panda cory, emerald eye rasbora) singularly in a tank... :roll:

and to think i tried to get a job there and they declined me...

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