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What is a good filter for a 60cm by 30cm by 30cm aquarium?


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The effectiveness of the filter will depend more on how hard you're working it, rather than the size of the tank. For example, if you have a lot of messy fish in there, and plants that are losing some of their leaves, then obviously a HOB filter will have trouble keeping up.

I used to have a HOB filter (Whisper brand) on my 600 x 300 x 300 tank and it worked just fine for a long time. But when my fish grew bigger and I got more of them, I ended up switching to a cannister filter.

So what do you have/plan to have in the tank?

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I too have never had trouble with the AquaClear range. Not used any other brand of HOB filter so can't compare them to others though.

A tank that size with those fish would be fine with an under gravel filter too.

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I find the AquaOne HOB's get gunked up around the holes where the impeller is, and have to be cleaned out weekly because the flow decreases markedly.

You also cannot put noodles in it unless you try and jam them behind the back of the 'biological filter' plate - which is just a piece of plastic with a few wavy lines and holes in it, nowhere as good as some ceramic noodles.

I have retired my AquaOne from filtration duties it got so annoyed with it, and now it is used as a phosphate remover with a bag of Purigen in my Marine tank.

I won't tell you how often I clean out the AquaClear, but it is not weekly!

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Are the AquaClears quite adjustable? My fish dont like fast currents.

Yes, you adjust it by moving the intake across the top of the motor, and don't have the water level too low in the tank.

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