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Water Changes made Easy


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I have been promising to do a Thread on the Tap Attachment Hubby made me, that has made doing Water Changes so much easier.

So here goes.

Attachment that goes onto the Kitchen Tap.


Parts used were, Piece of Garden Hose as long as you need it to be, an end of a Silicone Tube that hasnt been used of course, a Hose Clamp, and the part that unscrews off the Kitchen Tap, I think it's called a Perforator.

Place the Hose Clamp and the Perforater (misus the metal gauze piece) onto the Hose, shorten the Silicone Nozzle so it makes the opening bigger for better Water Flow, obviously the bigger the opening the Better the Flow, place the Hose onto the Silicone Nozzle push it on as far as it will go, then move the Perforater part upto the top of the Silicone Nozzle, then bring up the Hose Clamp tighten the Clamp as much as you can without breaking the Nozzle inside the Hose.

Now you should be able to remove the perforater off your Kitchen Tap, if it has one, then screw on the Perforator that is attached to the Hose onto your Tap and away you go, too much pressure from the tap may blow the hose of the nozzle so just go easy until you know how much pressure it can stand.

This is the part that I put into the Tank when refilling.


Take a piece of hollow Aluminium Tubing (we have a heap of this, its what we make our TV Aerial Elements out of for Supreme Antennas Aerials :D ), (If anybody is needing some I'm sure I can sort you out with some), Insert the piece ofTubing inside the other end of the Hose attachment you have just made, sometimes it makes it a little easier if you pop the end of the Hose in Hot Water to soften it, place a Hose Clamp onto the Hose, make a bend in the hose so it sits nicely over the top of your Tank when Filling it, then tighten the Hose Clamp.

No more having to carry Buckets and Buckets of water to refill your Tanks :D

This has been great for doing water changes, especially in my Discus Tank as I use pre heated water for their Water Changes, so this is easily adjusted with the Tap Temp.

Hope this has been useful to you Fishys Guys and Girls :D

Don't hesitate to ask any question :D


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Have been thinking :roll:

If you have the older Style Taps with a Seperate Hot and Cold, you could probably get one of those hand held shower things where the Hot and Cold run into one, cut the Shower Head part off, then attach it to the garden hose using a piece of Aluminiun Tubing as a Joiner witrh a Hose Clamp at each end or just use a Hose Joiner to connect the 2 together.

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Do you think i could get away with out using that metal circle thing

( the one that goes over the hose and silicone nose bit )

I have some of those plastic zip ties lying around. I might try using them ...

Have you tried attaching a gravel siphon to the end of the tube ? you could then siphon straight into the garden !

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Don't see why you cant use a Cable Tie :wink:

My tanks get syphoned straight out the Window into the garden. :D

I syphon my tanks straight out the window too. It's the front window facing the street so sometimes I wonder what passers-by must think about all this water pouring out my window! :D

Unfortunately my tank is too far away from any plumbing to make your topping-up idea practical, but thanks for sharing anyway! It looks like a very useful idea.

Do you use any kind of water conditioner/chlorine remover? If so, do you just put the right amount in your tank before you start filling?

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I dont like using a hose, unless there are not going to be fish in that tank for a few years.

Individual buckets are good as you can semi-de-chrorinate by making a jetstream out of the tap, as well as monitoring the temperature.

My tanks are below my windows, but cant get them to syphon that high :(

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I dont use any Water Conditioner.

With having 3 Tanks with Water Changes every 2 Days on My Discus Tank, and every 3rd Day on my other Tanks, it would take me forever to use Buckets.

I test the Temp of the Water before I Fill up the Tanks.

Morcs: I dont quitre understand what you are meaning by this:

I dont like using a hose, unless there are not going to be fish in that tank for a few years??

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My tanks are below my windows, but cant get them to syphon that high :(

If you start the siphon (flow) off in a bucket first, then hold your finger on the end then put the hose out the window you should be away laughing :wink:

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Have been thinking :roll:

If you have the older Style Taps with a Seperate Hot and Cold, you could probably get one of those hand held shower things where the Hot and Cold run into one, cut the Shower Head part off, then attach it to the garden hose using a piece of Aluminiun Tubing as a Joiner witrh a Hose Clamp at each end or just use a Hose Joiner to connect the 2 together.

I use to use one of them with a fluval fitler hose thing that clipped on the tank edge...worked well.

food for thought http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 791543.htm

but i do like yours.. very tidy :hail:

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Have seen those around, thats how this whole thing happened :lol:

I was ready to order one online, when Hubby said "What are you wanting to do" so I told him, then Wah Laa, there it was Done in Dusted in about 10 minutes

Saved me the Cost of the Tap Attachment plus the Freight.

We used to use one of those to Syphon our Waterbed, when we had one many moons ago.

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Do you not need to dechlorinate the water? I would love to use something like this but have to use aqua plus on the tap water so I lug about 6-8 buckets from the laundry to the tank each time

Jimbo, you could add the correct amount of aqua plus straight into to your tank, then top up the water. The chlorine will be neutralised as it is added.

Maybe Lyndyloo lives in one of those lucky places that doesn't have chlorine in the water. In which case I will be jealous. :roll:

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