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Water changes for 140L tank?


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How much water should i change a week for my 140L?

I was doing 50% w/c on my old 60L, but the amount of water in the new tank that would need to be change if it was at 50% would be 70L ! that alot of bucket trips!!!! :roll:

So because its a larger tank does that mean less water needs to be changed?



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I had an idea about changing the water faster.

I think ill just A hose from miter 10 and run it from my tank though the house into the garden. Then plug it into the wash house tap ( which can run hot water) to fill it back up . :lol:

Have you tired those tap connector things on trademe? Thry pretty much do exactly what my hose would do ...

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Will post a pik of the Hose attachment my Hubby made for me, makes water changes so much easier.

I was going to do a whole Thread on it, but just haven't got round to it.

This is the end that attaches onto the Kitchen Tap


This is the end that I hook over the Fish Tank to refill it


Think I will do a new Thread on this :wink:

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...With the type of fish you have you should only need to do 25% - 30% a week

Yeah that's my thinking, too. You don't have a lot of fish in the tank, and they aren't particularly big or messy. What kind of filter do you have? A good filter with decent flow and a reasonably large volume of good filter media would be an advantage - but I really think you probably only need to do 20 - 25% water change weekly.

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Yeah that's my thinking, too. You don't have a lot of fish in the tank, and they aren't particularly big or messy. What kind of filter do you have? A good filter with decent flow and a reasonably large volume of good filter media would be an advantage - but I really think you probably only need to do 20 - 25% water change weekly.

I have one of those blue planet tanks, it has a built-in filter - 1400 Lph flow rate?



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