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One of those "oops" moments..

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Had one of those "Oh bugger" moments this morning at work, you know when you just have no excuses and look for the first hole to crawl into.

I'm supposed to drain the water from the milking machine oil canister after each milking and so far I've forgotten, but this morning I made sure I remembered and did it as soon as I turned off the plant. All was going OK at first but then it seemed like the water was never going to stop so I goes out and asked the boss "how long does it take for the water to drain out?" and he says "only a few seconds, why?" "because its still coming" says I " OH **** THAT'S OIL" he says and rushes in and closes the valve. I'd just drained all the oil from the sump!!! god knows how I didn't notice the smell. And the worst part was that it had just been replaced. He says it was about 200 bucks worth, I doubt that, but than again I don't know for sure.

The only excuse I have is that he hasn't gone over the shed operation with me, I've had to work it all out for myself, and he only said "remember to drain the water" and didn't explain that after a few seconds oil would come out......I hate the new job jitters..

So has anyone else got any "oh bugger" stories to tell about work or anywhere else for that matter?

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None that I will admit to while I am at work lol.

Hope your day and job gets better :-)

If you are milking than I guess you are talking about some horrific time in the morning. Thats plenty good enough excuse to make a minor mistake.

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at the old dairy farm i worked on in Nelson, one of the guys i worked with (not me thank god!)

forgot to seperatly milk the 2 cows we had that were on meds (not sure what they were on, one of the meds that require like 6 weeks to work its way out of their systems) so their tainted milk went straight into the vat with all the clean milk (500 cows or so, big vat).

poor guy had to sit there for the next however many hours watching 2 milkings worth of milk go down the drain.

owner not impressed.

new job jitters are just a pain in the :evil:

remember to eat! i used to get so nervous and jittery i wouldnt eat properly, which of course would make me sick and even MORE nervous and jittery.

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once when younger working on the farm with parents was just putting water through the system to clean the plant, changed the valve over so water from system went down the drain instead of into vat (up was in vat, 90 degrees was down drain, down was all down drain including vat) that worked fine went home for the morning, came back in the afternoon with hundreds of litres of milk in the yard.

id pulled the valve down a couple degrees too much and released all the milk from the vat

2 milkings worth of milk literally down the drain

woops :oops:

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When I was still at school I had a part-time job in the Taupo Honey Centre. I was in sole charge of the shop on Sundays, and that included filling people's jars with liquid honey when they came in for a refill. (Just to keep up with the milking theme, the honey was stored in steel milk vats.)

Anyway one day I was really busy, a tour coach had just arrived wanting a tour, and someone asked me to fill their jar. I filled it for them then went out to the coach, showed people around, rushed back to the counter where there was a long queue of customers waiting.

While I was serving the customers a man at the back kept saying "Excuse me! Excuse me!" and I thought he was very rude for trying to jump the queue. But eventually he got my attention and he said "Is there meant to be honey on the factory floor?"

I looked in through the door of the pack-house and sure enough there was liquid honey all over the floor. When I had filled the customer's jar I hadn't secured the valve on the bottom of the vat so the honey had been leaking, then pouring, out for at least half an hour. The vat had been almost full so I lost approximately two tonnes of honey. :o

It took until about midnight that night to clean up the mess. :cry:

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I made a thoughtless mistake at work, I was meant to send a letter overseas. To do that i had to put an airmail sticker on it. Of course i stuffed up and put a fastpost sticker on. Not sure what happened to the letter :lol:

And i've done lots of other mistakes but none are very interesting :roll:

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put an airmail sticker on it. Of course i stuffed up and put a fastpost sticker on. Not sure what happened to the letter

Get a job at the nearest mail center and you will soon realise you are not the only one who does that!

Ya get heaps every day. Fastpost with airmail stickers, airmail with fastpost stickers, both with NO stickers. and then there is all the variations on stamps etc. and the people who forget to put addresses on their letter (and no return address either :roll: ) Mail sorters are not mind readers believe it or not!!

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