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Never do tank maintenance when you are upset


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This morning I had a (very minor) disagreement with my partner. Then he left for work and I stomped around the house being annoyed with him. I decided I would do a water change on my tank.

As I was running water into my bucket at the kitchen sink, I was still grumbling to myself about how unfair the world is... and then realised that instead of putting a squirt of dechlorinator into my bucket, I had put a squirt of dishwashing liquid! :o

This is funny because just the other day my partner used my fish bucket to carry some water out to top up the radiator on his car. I jumped up and down --> :bounce: and said "that bucket is for FISH ONLY! I don't want it contaminated with dirty car stuff!"

I think karma may have got me this time. :oops:

PS I sent him a text saying I was sorry for nagging him this morning. :oops:

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my fish water change bucket is used for all sorts, washing my 2 cars, soaking my white clothes in napisan, water changes, getting stones etc etc

i clean it out with hot water before doing water changes and has been sweet as.... touch wood

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lol funny you should say this. many a time I have been grumpy at something and I try to clean my canister filters, swearing is generally heard through out the neighbourhood, and it takes twice as long to get them going. However I do have a short fuse and get upset easily lol

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