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Help!!! Chocolate Zebra Pleco Died!!!


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Please can anyone help with this issue one of my brothers Chocolate Zebra Plecos died today, I didn't see it myself but was told it had like a slime coating on it, he has 2 others in this tank and want to try and find something to save the rest of them....

Can anyone give me some advise on this please??

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Other fish are 2 Choc zebras 2 bristlenose 1 swordtail and 1 kribensis the other krib died last night....

Waterchange was done lastnight 14-15L

Tank size 60L

Sorry not sure about water parameters will check and let you know...

The krib and swordtail have clamped fins and not looking happy....apparently for a few days

Zebras haven't been eating much...

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Any ammonia is too much. An ammonia test should read 0.0 in a cycled tank.

Clamped fins is a sign of stress caused by ammonia as well as other things.

I would definitely do a 50% water change today and tomorrow.

Even if its not an ammonia problem a couple of good water changes can only do good.

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My brother has put in Wunder tonic this morning in hope it will help I suggested to pick up my Furan2 and malefix but as he as work now can't until tonight...

In my opinion there is no need for any meds until you a definite diagnosis.

You will be just waisting your money.

Water changes along with a handful of rock salt are your best friends at the moment.

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NEVER add medications when you have no idea of the cause of death.

NEVER mix medications. If you have added tonic or something, DO NOT add anything else!

99% of deaths are caused by poor, or incorrect, water conditions.

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you can use a nitra-zorb sachet to help suck up any excess ammonia in a pinch, I think it will suck up some of your meds though. And biochem-zorb will definitely suck up any meds you want to get rid of. I'd make sure there was plenty of air getting in there too to help break down the nasties and to make sure the fish can breathe. Kinda like putting an oxygen mask on a sick person

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you can use a nitra-zorb sachet to help suck up any excess ammonia in a pinch, I think it will suck up some of your meds though. And biochem-zorb will definitely suck up any meds you want to get rid of. I'd make sure there was plenty of air getting in there too to help break down the nasties and to make sure the fish can breathe. Kinda like putting an oxygen mask on a sick person

Now that was a good way of looking at it, an Air stone to a Fishy, is like an Oxygen Mask to us :hail:

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Ok Now all the chocolate zebras have died and swordtail..... So that's 5 out of 8 that have died in one day........

I think the ammonia is way too high and left over food has gone toxic........

75% water change was done...............

Another water change will be done tomorrow...

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sigh... that really sucks a lot.

sorry to hear about the choc zebras :(

as mentioned before any detectable ammonia is too much - just to be on the safe side.

but if this ever happens again you can always use ammolock- that is if you know the ammonia is off the charts. It instantly detoxifies the ammonia present and then you can do WC's to fix the problem. just remember that something like that does not fix the problem, it just masks it. so your best option is to make sure there is no ammonia in the tank in the first place.

safest bet is to have a qt tank that is cycled so you can chuck fish in there if needed.

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