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Tank Photos - Steve A's Tank


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Well my partner Jane is lucky enough to have a 1600 litre marine aquiarum at her work. I poped in to see Jane the other day and thought I'd snap a few pics to share with you all.

Steve A's tank has been running for about 10 years, and through that time has had a few ups and downs. The tank is a mixed reef with some great SPS corals. It is lit with 4x 400 watt MHs + serveral VHO fluros and other halides and fluros in various parts of the system.

All the technology is present, including large skimmer, CA reactor, Kalk Stirer, refugium, DIY Chiller and Steve is building his own controller/computer.

Steve has recently moved onto salt mix from natural salt water and belives that it has had a significient improvement on his water quality and overall tank health.

If anyone is in Wellington I can organise a visit to this tank, which is looking stunning at the moment.

Sorry for the quality of the photos, used my phone.










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We are going to visit this tank at 7pm on Tuesday (tommorow). All welcome, I will get hold of Steve and see if he can be there to show us all of the bits and pieces.

Anyone who wants to come and have a look, PM me your details and i'll make contact.

If I can, I will take my camera and get some high res photos to share with those of you who are not in Wellington.


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Well a few of us went out to visit Steve As tank tonight. Jane had cleaned the glass and it was looking excellent.

Attached are some high res photos (your welcome Layton), enjoy.


When the cirulation pumps are churning this corals tips are exposed to the surface.



Steve had hundreds of these small snails growing in his tank, very pretty shells on them. Also looks like some planaria on there :(





Thanks very mush to Jane for letting us in after hours and to Steve A for having such a great tank!


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That looks like a green stylopora to me. Very nice. How old is it?


It is. It is about 5 years old BUT......

I had an accident and lost all but about 5 polyps, on the end of one branch, that I just spotteed as I was about to throw it out. What you see has grown back from that branch end. Both Alois and Pies now have cuttings for safe keeping.


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what make was the skimmer?

looks like a custom Geo? was it needle wheel?

also the calcium reactor looked way small how often you have to change the media?

Thanks Peter

Skimmer was Aquamedic. It is a needle wheel skimmer.

Reactor is small - on my update list. Media lasts a few months. I also use CaOH at night when the CA reactor is off.

Not sure whether to be lazy and buy or to build a bigger one myself.


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its all about time,

I am not working this december.

I love DIY, about to DIY a tunze STREAM copy.......

have a 24 inch long 12inch wide piece of clear acrylic pipe 8)

going to make my own skimmer 8)

I will post a lot of pic's after the even.


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Acros are spectacular but these are some of my favourites

Goniastrea and Leptastrea grown from a few polylps on some live rock (also have some Porites that arrived this way).


Turbinaria - arrived, dumped on top of reef while unpacking, remembered a week later and was thriving despite being almost directly under a 400. Grown a lot since then and now needs trimming.


Echinopora quietly grabbing more real estate. Glad I gave it plenty of space to start with.


Interesting new arrival, have wanted a Mycedium for a while and now it has a prime spot down the front.



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