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Nice! Wat size and wats it for?

Watch out fishies dont jump out the lid-gaps! lol! :lol:

Its 110cm long,50wide and 45 high.

And its for my south american fish ofcourse 8)

The fish ive already got for it are A.Panduro, Cardinal tetras, embertetras, eques pencilfish and BNs and corys.

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I think im gonna try find a E.uruguayensis and some Dwarf chain sword, and i already have a large osiris sword.

Might consider Val if i cant get a uruguayensis.

Also something like stargrass or greenpine.

Im going to try keep the plants South american now too.

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I have a dozen or so dwarf chain swords you can have. I keep moving them and they are not that wonderful in my tank this time round.

Let me know when you want me to send it to you.

:hail::bow: im getting onto the stand tomorrow, so shouldnt be too far away :o

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