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My Discus from Ron (Discusguru)


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The really Dark One phoenix at the back is a Red Rose, the one towards the front is one of my new ones, I'm thinking it's a Blue Turk :wink:

The Red Rose is probably the smallest of the lot but he's a right little piggy :wink:

Yea I've checked the whole photobucket thing, photo's are 640 x 480

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Another new one from Ron, nearly lost this Fella, he spent a week in the Hospital Tank recovering from the trip down from Auckland to Levin, spent 2 Days lying on the bottom of the Tank on his side, not looking good at all, he's looking good now though, Ron and I saved him :wink:


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I know what all my Discus are, it's just the last 3 Ron sent me, he never sent me the Types they were lol

So he asked me to post so pics and he would let me know what they are :wink:

I'm just pretending to know the 3 New Ones I got a few weeks back, even though I dont :roll:

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looking good, I have always wanted discus but the $$$ put me off.

Yeah it used to put me off too ... but hubby found gold nugget plecs and has bought 3 of them at ~$160-$190 each .... I reckon I should be able to get a discus or two - just don't have the room for them at the moment

Very nice discus LyndyLoo

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Discus really aren't that expensive if you get them off the right person :wink:

I would highly recommend Discusguru (Ron), he has the most fantastic Fish and he is more then happy to help you with any problem that you may have with them :bounce: :hail: :bounce:

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Another new one from Ron, nearly lost this Fella, he spent a week in the Hospital Tank recovering from the trip down from Auckland to Levin, spent 2 Days lying on the bottom of the Tank on his side, not looking good at all, he's looking good now though, Ron and I saved him :wink:


Another pigeon checker

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Yes they have settled in well Ron :bounce:

Still have a photo of 1 more that I need to post on here, I'm pretty sure he is a Blue Turk, looks very similar to the one I lost awhile ago.

Tell me Ron, I had a comment from my cousin the other day, he keeps Marine Fish, he commented on how fast my Discus where breathing, can you give me any idea as to how many breaths they should be taking a minute, bit of a weird question I know, but this does have me abit concerned :-?

Tank Parameters are all good, PH 6.6, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 5.

Temp is usually around 29-30.

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That is a hard one :lol: . Might have to head to the fish room with a stop watch and start timing :D

Heavy breathing can be cause by stress, excited, water parameters, and hopefully not gill flukes. Is the fish scrapping against objects? If not and everything is normal then I wouldn't lose sleep about it.

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