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Is my CF1200 big enough??


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Hi Guys and Girls,

I have a small problem, I have 2 Tanks, 1 x AquaOne AR 980 (230 Ltrs) Discus Tank and 1 x Aquaone AR 620T (125Ltrs) Community Tank.

I'm running an Aquaone CF1200 Filter on both Tanks, ther Filter Media I am using is, Bio Balls, Ceramic Noodles and Filter Wool, the Community Tank is Crystal Clear, but the Disucs Tank is kind of hazy, I'm finding this very frustrating :roll:

I do water changes of about 70% on the Discus Tank every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, I do the same with the Community Tank but only take out about 40%.

Do I need to run a second Filter on my Discus Tank ??

Any ideas would be great :bounce:


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I would get another filter, to turn over the volume of water in both tanks 5 times an hour you would be looking at 1800 L/H. But then again with the amounts of water changing you are doing I don't know if it would make a lot of difference.

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The Discus Tank is being turned over 5 times already with the CF1200

Thought that would have been more than enough to be honest, as you say, with the Water Changes I'm doing weekly the filter shouldn't be having to do too much work :roll:

The only thing I can think of is the Water is being turned over more in the Smaller Tank and maybe thats why it's clearer :roll:

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You would need to look it up as I can't remember the exact amount but a cf1200 with media in it is only turning over around 1000LPH (think it was like 950) I guess that would depend on the media how clogged it is, type of hosing if it had any kinks etc.. If you want your tank is be clear try running some very fine media (filter wool) I think you can get "polishing pads" from your petshop, it will pick up the finer stuff but will also clog alot faster meaning you need to clean out your filter more often.

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Maybe I will try adding some Filter Wool to where the exsisting Filter was running through, still have the inlet and outlet set up the same way as it was, running through the top of the Tank, I have taken all the media out of the top and placed it into the CF1200.

Will try the Filter Wool in the top of where the Filter Media was, for the inbuilt Filter, before I venture into trying anything else.

Thanks everyone :bounce:

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That many water changes could be causing a wee bit of disturbance with the substrate and stuff?

Or maybe its how its setup - may not be pulling as much from the discus tank as the other?

Get a small hang-on filter like an aqua clear for the discus tank IMO.

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5 times per hour isn't very much unless the tank is lightly stocked, how many fish are in the tank and how big are they? The water change regime seems overkill to me, but I'm sure some discus nuts would disagree, perhaps you caused a mini-cycle?

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Yea, I have been thinking of the Mini Cycle thing David R :roll:

The Tank did go through a Cycle of some sort when I put the new CF1200 on the Tank, same thing happened with my Smaller Community Tank, the smaller Tank cleared nicely, but the Discus Tank never did, even though I used the media that had previously been running on the inbuilt Tank Filters :oops:

Really not sure whats the best option to get this sorted :roll:

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I'd suggest testing the water, that should give you an indication of if its a mini cycle or just murky water. Either way I'd suggest increasing the filtration to around 8-10 times turn over if you need to do such large frequent water changes.

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why bother with activated Carbon? - you only use that to draw out the leftover medication otherwise carbon is pretty much useless. I take out the carbon and add more bio noodles in its place. biff it..and fill its space with more useful stuff like bio noods.

I have a 2000L/H filter as well as a Fluval 303 on my 450L Discus tank with daily w/cs and I have crystal clear water :)

I'm thinking about getting rid of the fluval and getting another 2000L/H filter since the fluval looks to be at the end of its natural life lol

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ok. so read this thoroughly. note the .edu site so i cant be bashed for references. :lol:


also I have noticed a relatively fair correlation between the people that complain about murky unclear water (at work) and those that do not have carbon in the filter (also people who i talk to at work).

also there are a lot more sites out there that show the chem reactions that occur with that carbon. very interesting stuff if you like and can understand the whole reaction equation and see how it applies to a tank. :bounce:

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they're talking about removing solutes (right?) small enough to fit in those tiny lil holes etc? the articles talk about removing harmful chems from water so it's safe for public consumption, but it's talking about water already chemically treated and tricked through a water processing plant not organic breakdown and poo. Funny that people from a petshops would encourage activated carbon use?

The removal of organic matter is via the first part to water processing but huge layers of pebbles to the same effect as bio noodles which I've learnt from Microbiology and had to do a seminar for so I'd rather stick to my textbooks than websites for info :)

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if it makes you feel better having it in there then keep it for comfort, but water cleaning-wise it doesn't have much to do with water quality that you can see (like dirty water etc) it only goes to the level of removing things like chlorine etc that water treatment plants have to add to make water safe

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OK, so here's what I have in the 3 trays in my CF1200 Filter

Tray 1 = Bio Balls

Tray 2 = Ceramic Noodles

Tray 3 = Filter Wool

What are these Bio Balls meant to do??

Would it be better for me to Take out the Bio Balls and replace them with Carbon?? Or more Ceramic Noodles??

I'm finding this rather interesting, so keep the comments coming, everyone has different idea's and theories which is great :hail:

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Bioballs increase the surface area for more colonization of nitrifying bacteria.

I wouldn't replace them.

I wouldn't replace them with carbon.

I have found the best way to use carbon is to rinse it, then put it in the end of pantyhose and place it under the filter wool. This way the filter floss absorbs any loose carbon.

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Ok here what I've done :wink:

Before I went to bed last night, I placed Filter Wool in the Top of the Tank where the exsisting Tank Filter would have run through, I'm not using the inbuilt Filter on this Tank, I added a CF1200 instead, so filled the top up with Filter Wool, looks alot clearer this morning :bounce:

So much nicer looking into a clear tank :wink:

I did think maybe I could run the Inbuilt Tank Filter along with the CF1200 if I really needed too, but seems to me that the Filter Wool is taking care of the little bits that were obviously floating around the Tank.

Thanks for your help :hail:

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