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Time to say G'day


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Hello I thought while I have five minutes spare I'd introduce myself

I live on a lifestyle block on the lower kaimais with my husband and two kids along of corse with lots of different animals (horses,cows,rabbits,gunieapigs and cats) and not to forget my fishtank.

Its 300 litre with daltons water plant mix on the bottom and washed sand on the top and I currently have two discus one is stunted (I brought him like that I felt sorry for him/her) but I figure that just because he/she is small doesn't give me the right to flush him down the toliet! They live along with a blue ram,prestilier (spelling) tetras, guppies and a lepord pleco.

Well I guess thats me (Megan) :D

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Hey Megs,

Welcome to the FNZAS Forums, nice to have you here :D

I too live on a Lifestyle Block, along with my Husband, 4 Teenage Boys, aged from 21 to 16, all still at home, so I must be doing something right :lol: I also have a Black Labrador, 5 Cats, a Rabbit, and 2 Fish Tanks, one being a Discus Tank and the other being a Community Tank.

You will find loads of friendly people here, who are only too willing to share their knowledge of Fishkeeping.

And as they say "If you dont ask you will never know" :wink:


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Yea my silly computer spat out a microchip or something when I submitted the post and then said I had to re send the info so therefore ended up on here twice!!!!

I know I might be stirring up a hornets nest but was thinking that there might be a market for smaller discus as not everyone can afford the big tanks, running gear or fish.

Mind you I one day would like to fill my tank with these magnificent fish, I would love to get some from the discusgru one day even some ex breeders looking for a retirement tank will do for me :lol:

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oh there's definately nothing wrong with a small Discus but when you get one in a tank with much bigger Discus it doesn't take long for it to be bullied to death or from starvation..and it takes a lot of time and effort without guarantee to restore its health when they go beyond a stage even when isolated, some people just euthanase to end its suffering.

You'll probably find it easier to restore them in a barebottom tank Meg :) a lot of feding up and huge waterhchanges should get them back on form even if they won't grow much bigger

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Yes that would be the way to go as I've had a discus in a hospital tank before and got it back to health.

My stunted discus is best buddy's with the other discus there is no problems only the blue ram tries to be a hero and chases him around a little but other than that I seem to have a happy tank I guess it's because I haven't over stocked it. I'm leaving some room incase something else catches my eye :o

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Yep will do as soon ad my algae bloom disapears, a lifestyle block is living not so close to town on a few acres to grow a descent vege garden, your own meat and room for those hobby's like horses or car rallying. I like it also for the kids to run around on without having to get into the car and traveling to a park or the beach. It's not all good though espoically on days like today when it's raining and you have to go out and feed the animals hay and get more wood in for the fire!!

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