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Todays addition to the fishroom.


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Hi all. I'm very happy and thought I'd share......I was early for an appointment today so I thought I'd kill 10 minutes in the LFS just around the corner. I don't go to this particular shop often and it was a pleasant surprise to see this fellow.....I couldn't resist him....I raced home and set up a quarantine tank....his colour isn't the best right now but I'm sure he'll look sweet when he's settled and a bit older :D :bounce:


Astatotilapia (Haplochromis) brownae.

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Cheers :D

I don't think he'll be any nastier than his future tankmates. He'll be going up against almost full grown Fryeri and a very dominant adult Zebra, amongst others :D Time will tell, if he becomes #1 in the tank so be it. I'll be keeping a close eye on proceedings and will make sure no-one loses an eye :lol:

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Good score they're wicked fish :)

Here are some pics of mine, male is only around 2" females around 1.5", the males have been coloured since around 1" and the females just started breeding so they mature very young. lol photos are pretty bad but its what you get when you nip out there with a 20mth old running around the fishroom trying to help too :)




They are quite dominant in the tank despite being one of the smaller fish but I haven't seen them cause any trouble. When I lived in Auckland I kept 2 males in a display tank and they got along alright with everyone else (but hated each other).

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One should never spent '10 minutes to spare' anywhere near their lfs :lol:

Mind you, my husband spent his 10 minutes in a car yard so his purchase was more expensive :roll:

lol I was thinking how did he only have 10 mins spare and go into his LFS walk out with a fish and still get to his appointment on time..

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He will look very nice with your other cichlids

Cheers. I think he'll finish the display tank off nicely :hail:

Mind you, my husband spent his 10 minutes in a car yard so his purchase was more expensive :roll:

:o Now that's an impulse buy 8) :lol: :hail:

lol I was thinking how did he only have 10 mins spare and go into his LFS walk out with a fish and still get to his appointment on time..

I'm good :wink: Nah, I went to my appointment, which was short, then got the fish.

Beautiful fish you have there Ryan, I'm looking forward to mine looking similar :)

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I gotta admit Mark he didn't actually buy it at the time but he came home with so much drool left after looking at the car that I bought it for him for his birthday, which was the following week (using his money of course).

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I gotta admit Mark he didn't actually buy it at the time but he came home with so much drool left after looking at the car that I bought it for him for his birthday.

Wouldn't a bib have been cheaper?? :lol:

using his money of course.

Ahh, that explains it :lol: :lol:

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