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Starlight Bristlenose Pleco, L 182


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Well it true we have Starlights :bounce: :bounce: We went down to Wgtn yesterday to visit family and the icing on the cake, to pick up our new fishys :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here is Daddy to be, with a huge face of bristles


Garry has given him a couple of cave to choose from and he and the girls seem to be settling in really well.

Blue did a really good job of upselling :wink: and we came away with a trio :hail::bow: I wouldnt really call them Juvi's they are bigger than any other Ancistrus we own. :D

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Well done :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Keep us updated .

Like wise, any signs :bounce: yours will hopefully go sooner than ours, as they have bred before. Blue upsold us another female :wink: so hopefully that'l give the big guy a little more choice :) He has some really awesome fish :D 'Plec's"

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Like wise, any signs :bounce: yours will hopefully go sooner than ours, as they have bred before. Blue upsold us another female :wink: so hopefully that'l give the big guy a little more choice :) He has some really awesome fish :D 'Plec's"

No news at this end but its still way too soon, they will need a while yet to settle in.

Having said that, I couldn't help myself today and gave them a cool water change just in case they were thinking about it :D

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I did a little pruning today, for the meeting tomorrow and ripped out a few plants. My Male Starlight and his gf have been moving around the tank a little earlier tonight and I took the opportunity to take a couple of photos of them.

This is the male :) Looking a lot less blotchy than you saw his last timev :bounce:


And this lovely female :wink:


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Thanks, they are growing into themselves and looking gorgeous :)

We lost the other female this week :( I came home from work and she was dead in the tank :cry::cry::cry:

My GBA's are still breeding every 30 days so I am practicing doing everything right :roll: :roll: with the babies before "I" even consider getting the conditions right for breeding these guys.

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Yeah, I don't know! To be honest I was so gutted that I made Garry handle everything and I couldn't even look at her :( Really weird as you had been having problems with one of yours and then we have one dead.

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With all these fantastic pairs of Starlights around the country I sure do hope some kind fish keepers put some effort into breeding them and selling the offspring.

I believe it is better to share these wonderful fish instead of having them ferreted away in one persons corner.

Rox they are great, thanks so much for sharing.

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With all these fantastic pairs of Starlights around the country I sure do hope some kind fish keepers put some effort into breeding them and selling the offspring.

I believe it is better to share these wonderful fish instead of having them ferreted away in one persons corner.

That's that the plan. I will keep many of the first batch to raise as breeders and the rest will be sold to fellow enthusiasts who also plan to breed them.

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