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Natural selection in an african tank


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just been discussing natural selection in our african tank

w have a large tank with a bit of rockwork and some large fish

the bumblebees, brichardi, electric yellows and lumpheads breed fairly regularly


has about 15 young bumble bee that i could see in the tank 2 or 3 weeks ago

down to about 6 visibles so far

they have to contend with these guys


we end up with about 10% survival i suppose

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big fish is an 11 year old electric yellow :o

had 4 of them but age has beaten the other 3, he has lost most of his black

see the small fry at bottom of top pic

i like the look with all the rock in yours

i may add more to this one yet i think it will hlp fry survival rate

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electric yellow? :o you can say that again! he is massive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :hail: whoa! what a whopper!

those baby fish are bumble bee cichlids? pretty nasty fish arent they? but that front seems pretty content with life and is not eating them?

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the front hunts at night :wink:

the fronts are deceptive they seem like big cruisers but their turn and grab is very fast

the dig male crabro is pretty agressive in the tank

but it is spread around the tank and the giraffe is the top dog and not agressivee

there are other fish that the bumblebee won't pick on as well

took the auratus out as it was too niggly

giraffe is pushing 9 inches maybe more

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yeah. that venustus looks amazing. good to see they are in a tank that they can swim about like mad.

maybe if there were heaps of small schist pieces stacked it would provide shelter for the babies, and then then as they grew there would be more survivors.

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Have to agree there the tank looks awesome :) There doesn't seem to be an awful lot of rocks for having that sort of number of babies survive so your doing well :) More rocks should help, but as you have said fronts are great nocturnal feeders (guess it makes sense as they tend to live quite deep where it is darker) and babies sometimes drift from cover when sleeping so they may still gobble them up.

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there is a few kilos of rock in there and some very large pieces :roll:

the fronx, giraffe and astis are pretty cruisy fish

the red top and yellow top are niggly

the astis have grown and 2 largest frons are almost same size as the venustus

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i think once you keep frontosas it is a love affair they have an aura about them

took this set of photos one after the other

the right hand side of the tank where the lumpheads and electric yellows hang out

lots of babies hang out bottom right pile of rocks

and the alpha fron owns the big cave in the middle


middle of tank, a sort of everymans land

they think its feeding time :D


left hand side where brichardis lurk and breed

flat rock leaning on left is where the other large fron hides


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