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My Discus from Ron - almost 3 months on


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I know I think I've finally figured out what makes the sag tick lol I've added more gravel around them so they stay firmly planted and I've hid 2 fet balls among them :D

Yeah that brown one is the big boss of the tank, flies across the tank to smash into the others if he sees them with food :o

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Hmm, so you have one that does that too then Amy, My Snakeskin does that all the time, Bossy little so and so he is.

Tell me, do you think it's worth while feeding Discus Tucker, I remember feeding something like this once and man it made one hell of a mess, but then I waterchange every 3rd day so I guess that would sort that problem out aye :wink:

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I only feed Discus tucker at the most every third day, I understand it's quite 'fatty' but people overseas swear by Discus tucker as staple and how they get their 15cm Discus :-? but yeah it is messy - how much do you feed at a time? I have 7 Discus in my tank feed only 4 cubes each time, those 4 cubes are further cut into quarters and I only drop them in the front where I siphon the most. BUT I make sure I always do a thorough after every feeding of Discus tucker

by the way LyndyLoo I have your Tubiflex all packaged up with the sticker on it, do I just ring up the courier company and they'll pick it up or do I drop it off at their depot?

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They should just pick it up from you if you ring them Amy.

Haven't fed Discus Tucker before, Not sure what I feed, but it was a mixture of Ox Heart and Veges of some sort in frozen cubes, only feed a few times then I gave up because of the mess, this was when I had a Community Tank :roll:

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LyndyLoo - I got rid of all my cardinals and just kept my 'housekeeping' fish for the ease of feeding, it got pretty dirty when I had to feed flake on top of everything. And your tubiflex is coming your way :D

I'm actually thinking of ripping out that giant sword (not quite sure what it is Ozelot?) to make more room in the tank and just spread out the dwarf sags along the background. What do people think of that?

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I'm actually thinking of ripping out that giant sword (not quite sure what it is Ozelot?) to make more room in the tank and just spread out the dwarf sags along the background. What do people think of that?

Don't you dare!!! :o That's a horrible idea! youre better off getting rid of some fish! :o:o :lol:

That plant is... magnificent!!! leave it as is! infact grow it larger!

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I'm worried that it would grow too big - what do they max out at? so far it takes up 2/3 of my tank height.

my Electric Dream discus has already started living in it :o there seems to be enough food scraps trapped within/around the plant to keep that discus there all day

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you may get eggs on the leaves of that plant one day if you keep the tank nice and dark (when they are ready to breed) :D

it is such a beautiful plant though. If i were you I'd put a MH on the tank, and make the plant massive, and grow out of the water.

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but I don't want breeding Discus :-? cannot imagine how much trouble it would cause in that tank and how I would have to do EVEN more waterchanges :o

I can't see mum letting my drill holes to attach metal halides she hates my tank enough as it is, besides don't think I could afford Metal Halides right now - might have to quit work soon 'cos uni's getting too hectic :cry: there goes all my fish allowance

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