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peacock ID help please


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Hi all, I asked a while ago about red shoulders as they are a fish I'd very much like to get my hands on. There is an auction on trademe at the moment they are calling sunshine peacocks, but they bought them as red shoulders. What do they look like to you guys?


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you have opened a can of worms posting this auction :o

they bought them as red shoulders, they say they are now showing yellow tinges so are calling them sunshine peacocks...... i wouldn't buy them if you want quality fish. These may be good quality fish but they simply don't know what they are.

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I asked a question if they look different in the flesh... cos the pics they provide dont look yellow at all, that I can see. I didnt think sunshines really got any blue on their body and they look to have a fair bit.

Sounds like the feeling is "if the seller isn't positive, don't touch them... or be ok with the idea of possibly buying hybrids"

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Yep have to agree with all the above :)

They purchased them as red shoulders, and then randomly went around to their friends house who had some "sunshines" so they decided they looked the same and then jumped on google and decided sunshines (which is the common name for many peacocks worldwide hense the problems with common names, there is someone else selling baenshi as sunshines on there too) were maleri. They even managed to put them down to an exact locational varient which to my knowledge none of the peaocks we have are imported with loctional varients.. They are doing very well :) I have seen a number of zebras being sold as peacocks using the "my mate has one the same in his tank" way of iding them it seems most people can't pick out small (or even large differences).

They do look like nice fish though and could well be pure but who knows what, as mark said maybe the breeder mixed up his fish, or maybe they're nice hybrids who knows and to me its a big risk to take for $15 a fish.

My advice would be to stay away from them and do what I am doing and wait for marklb to breed his red shoulders, they came from a (semi) descent source and from the photo he posted earlier are going to be stunning fish.

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i need to apologise, my fish when colouring up did show some orangey yellow when first colouring, now they are red

i went back to some old photos and under flash it shows

the red shoulders i breed are from 9 to 10 year old stock that is a closed gene pool

same with the royal blues

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I could say that those pictures are also very close to my juvi Chliumbas in apppearance.

I would put them as a Stuartgranti in the hansbaenschi/Royal complex assuming all the young have bred the same.

Who knows, but unfortunately the seller should have been more conscientous when buying.

You can't go I'ding fish off the net.

I did love the comment of Stuartgranti being spanish for Aulonocara Baenschi.

Reminds of When Vice President Dan Quayle was asked if he enjoyed his trip to Sth America said Yes, and how he wished he'd done latin at school so he could have talked with the local people.

Hang out for some fish with better lineage details.

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I could say that those pictures are also very close to my juvi Chliumbas in apppearance.

Reminds of When Vice President Dan Quayle was asked if he enjoyed his trip to Sth America said Yes, and how he wished he'd done latin at school so he could have talked with the local people.

I'm not really trying to defend that stupid statement, but it's not as dumb as it sounds. Central/south america is known as 'latin america' as they primarily speak languages derived from latin ie spanish and portugese. But you probably already know this :)

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Thats sort of the point of the story-Thanks.

I must have higher expectations of the guy who was first in line to the worlds most powerful job.

I guess he would have been disappointed on any trips to the Red or Black Seas.

But it wouldnt be like the US government to act upon partial or erroneous information would it? :D

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I have some f1 fish imported as Nyassae that are dark blue with a yellow orange shoulder black linings to the pectoral fins with white tipping

These were imported as nyassae as that is the ONLY Aulanocara that can come in on the current standard

trying to ID these fish is now a nightmare. My only hope is as previously stated to be contientious about the breeding of these fish and making sure that the story is straight when passing on any young.

You simply cannot id fish of a google search.

When I get photos of these fish (which I think are stunning) I shall try and post but for now they are A Nyassae possibly hansbaenschi ( not confirmed)

You cant make it up as you go along...its as easy as that

Off the soap box now


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Have to agree they are awesome Mark very nice photos too! This is why I put the wee plug in to wait for your ones, there is no doubt they are red shoulders now you have to get them breeding. The sunshines are also very nice the ones I got off you are doing very well the male is awesome :)

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I guess its pretty much impossible to tell what those things are on trademe. After looking at those two awesome fish specimens marklb posted I'd have to say those fish don't have much of a sunshine peacock shape - the front shape is very different between the two. The red shoulders has a mouth that is closer to half height up and the whole front is far more symmetrical, whereas the sunshine has a mouth far closer to the botom and not the same torpedo symmetry.

Not that it really matters, i think you guys have successfully instilled a healthy scepticism about trademe fish in me and I won't be touching auctions like this :)

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