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Help Death X2


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Ok so heres the thing,

Yesterday (in my brothers tank) His Golden Algae eater DIED :( It was covered in yellow and red spotty lumps)

And now he has a Glow light tetra twitching upside down... X2

The tetra isn't floating at the surface but half way down in the tank.

Please help, my brother is very upset.

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He did a 50% WC 2 days ago, and we have no way of testing the water.

But he did have a carbon filter media in his HOB, which has been running in there for about 5 weeks. So i have just removed it, leaving just the foam stuff.

Also, most LFS's will test your water for you if you provide them with a sample...

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He did a 50% WC 2 days ago, and we have no way of testing the water.

But he did have a carbon filter media in his HOB, which has been running in there for about 5 weeks. So i have just removed it, leaving just the foam stuff.

You could bring me a water sample one evening and I can test it if you can not make it to your LFS

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K guys, thanks so much for all the help,

I have take the fish back, ( they all died ) and my brother got some Mollys.

I took a sample of water to the shop, and they tested it, and they said the water was fine.

Also the tank has been cycled and has had 5 guppys in it for about 2 weeks. They are all fine. But the tetras..

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