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What's an easy way to feed roaches to Beardys?

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I always have a fun time catching one roach at a time and then slamming them onto the bottom of the terrarium hard to knock them off balance and impaired so they can't run, but the initial catching them and knocking them unconcious is quite time consuming.

How does everyone else feed out roaches?

Here's Tequila and his dinner:


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No can't bring myself to pinching the head :o kind of grosses me out, slamming them is as far as I'll go..maybe it's a girl thing.

Freezer? I'll try that next time - Tequila's lazy so he likes his food alive and twitching but he doesnt like chasing, we have to put his food under Tequila's nose for the lil lazy fatty to eat them lol

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It's David's fault - he spoiled Tequila from the moment we got him, he won't eat anything when he knows we have waxworms. And I get left with the baby chasing duties when he's busy with uni..trust me it takes AGES and a few waxworms to get one mealworm down him...I wish I had the heart to starve him

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doesn't touch mealworms, definately won't touch veges and only licks cut up grapes, will take crickets when he hasn't been offered waxworms for a while, used to LOVE locusts when we used to breed them, takes unconcious roaches, doesn't touch slaters but does love the occasion tunnelweb...

Dave used to take the lid off all off each of the containers with buy=gs and just let Tequila pick where he wants to eat from :-? guess that's why he's so picky, we even thought about getting a 2nd beardy to enourage feeding and make him less picky

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If you don't train it to eat a selection of food you will only be making life difficult for yourself and your pet. I don't think they would come across a lot of wax worms in the Ausi desert but would be eating a selection of food as it was available. Good practice for when you have to train kids to eat healthy food.

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my water dragons were the same, but I got some advice to put the vedges in a bowl with some meal worm. After they figured out they wernt getting yummy crickets every day they have come around haha.

It will be the same for your baby (infact beardies should be easier).

I fell into the same trap with spoiling the little guys as Dave.

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amazing thing is i have never seen an animal deliberately starve itself to death when food is available

well said :hail:

i feed crickets as staple, roaches every few days, mealworms maybe once a week, waxworms once a month if that. Salads more green leafy weeds (nasturtian leaves, mustard, clover etc) they love it.

All my beardies have good appetites, i just chuck a cricket in if theyre hungry they will go fot it, it not then no more crickets and try again in the avo or tomorrow. Same with mealies i literally chuck it in so bd will see it. make em run up and down for it...they like the chase.

With roaches you can hand feed them if only feeding them as a treat as only a couple here and there shouldnt make em too lazy .(rubber gloves are your friend) Or go out and buy a large plastic tub. Bigger the better. think mines 100 or so litre. and smear some vaseline around the top. add artificial grass to the bottom. Drop the beardie in there and let it have a run around with some roaches.

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So tough love it is then? since we don't have any of those plants you mentioned Mincie - could we get away with buying say a Mesclun mix? Or do you think we NEED to buy some seedlings and grow some?

It does worry us because he starves himself for quite a long time for food he likes and he get skinny (maybe it's just us), especially since he's still quite young.

It WOULD save us a lot of money if we could get him onto veges..the last bill from that insect place from up in Aucks was huge and didn't even last long :o

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Theyre aways going to eat and need insects. They eat greens as a part of there diet and more and more so with age (and less insects) but it doesnt really replace the need for insects.

Its really the wrong time of year to be planting seeds, wouldnt hurt to try but will be slow if they grow at all. Seeds are cheap and go along way. Nasturtian (sp?) mustard, parsley, oregano from supermarket, clover from farmlands etc. Nasturtian only needs to be planted once and if it doesnt last the winter (frosts) should pop up again in spring. the rest i use/mentioned are weeds to so grow well.

Alan do you buy dandilion leaves? or do you mean cheap as in free from the lawn

Carrots not a staple vege imo mesculin or lettuce i dont rate highly either as its mainly just water and not much goodness to it + can give em the runs...thats just my opinion though.

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Yup - will take photo tomorrow morning when there's light :D and if he won't do it for free then we could sell you ours for the material cost and get him to build us another one lol David saud he'll ask Kyle tomorrow.

Ours haven't been used yet :D

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never tried them. maybe but i wouldnt bother.

once they get a taste for greens they just eat them, mine often jump up and grab them out of my hand when they see em coming. Also into them pretty much straight away once added to the tank. In saying that they dont eat copius amounts they sorta just nibble have a few mouth fulls and theyre back to basking as they do.

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never tried them. maybe but i wouldnt bother.

once they get a taste for greens they just eat them, mine often jump up and grab them out of my hand when they see em coming. Also into them pretty much straight away once added to the tank. In saying that they dont eat copius amounts they sorta just nibble have a few mouth fulls and theyre back to basking as they do.

Maybe we need to bring Tequila on a roadtrip and yours can show Tequila what he SHOULD be doing lol

No worried Mystic :D I'll try my best (even if I told him I wanted a second planter box lol white lies never hurt anyone)

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I have a theory - it's because he KNOWS his food's always going to be there but if he felt he had to compete for food maybe he'll be faster at gobbling it down..maybe I should print out a cardboard beardy to bring out to scare him at mealtimes

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