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Happy Birthday to Me!

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Its my birthday tomorrow, I turn 30... aaaaaaaahh!

Anyway, when I got to work this morning my workmate presented me with a gift. I unwrapped it and inside was this:



(Sorry bout the poor quality pics, but I was taking them with a camera thats not mine so not sure how to use it correctly.)

I thought it was really neat! But severely overstocked and I'm gonna need to upgrade very soon to accommodate the 3 crocodiles. :lol:

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shut up you.


20's rock. early twenties that is.

I have to agree. Early 20's rocked. Drinking all night, sleeping all day and then you get up and repeat..and never get hungover. Those were the days. Can't do that now, get far too sick and have far too much responsibility now. :roll:

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i feel like my early20's are being robbed if that's all you had to do.,

a typical day for me"wake up early - get ready, coffee, study, go to uni, study, eat, study, eat, come back home, cook, eat, study, watch tv, sleep.

when i dont have uni, its get up, coffee, get ready, go to work (weekends or the weekdays), eat, eat, eat, study, watch tv.

if i get free time, then i get to go out. otherwise i have to do my assignments :evil: :evil: :cry::cry::cry:

recently ive had to include "fix computer" in the schedule somewhere or the other, that and keep the parrot entertained.

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Oh sure, I had other stuff to do. Although I spent a considerable amount of time unemplopyed after completing a course at polytech which meant I spent lots of time hunting for jobs and when I wasn't doing that I was playing on the computer. Had a few casual part-time jobs later on, went back to polytech but inbetween that there was the drinking & partying which were the main event hehe

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i feel like my early20's are being robbed if that's all you had to do.,

a typical day for me"wake up early - get ready, coffee, study, go to uni, study, eat, study, eat, come back home, cook, eat, study, watch tv, sleep.

when i dont have uni, its get up, coffee, get ready, go to work (weekends or the weekdays), eat, eat, eat, study, watch tv.

if i get free time, then i get to go out. otherwise i have to do my assignments :evil: :evil: :cry::cry::cry:

recently ive had to include "fix computer" in the schedule somewhere or the other, that and keep the parrot entertained.

im Sure if you quit visiting FNzas forum you would have a extra spare 2 hours or so evey day :lol:

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its always on the browser, but i only refresh it when im on the net doing my stuff, or research or something :o

fishy research is important. far more interesting than monte carlo simulations for option pricing that is. :-? :o:o :lol: :lol: :lol:

but 2 hours might be an understatement :oops:


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