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I can never get my Aquascaping right :(


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But i am never contempt with it!!

Why would you want to disrespect your tank? Most people would be happy to never feel their tank is inferior.

Now, if you're never content with it, I'd suggest just leaving it alone for a few weeks, you'll never be satisfied if you're constantly rearranging it. It's not as if the fish care what it looks like.

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I was a bit like you, my tank was a mess to start with.All the plants were covered in this brown muck and the gravel was all brown and yuck, and it didn't look very nice at all.After a while though with alot of water changes, some triming of the plants and about three months have gone by and it now has started to look much better, infact it looks like a river scape and my fish and plants are starting to grow.Time is your friend just let it be for a while and you will see.

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What kind of decor do you have in your tank? What kind of look are you trying to achieve? Some people love the American-style tanks with fluoro pebbles, bright fake plants and ornaments. Personally that's not my taste - I definitely prefer dark gravel, driftwood and live plants.

Look around for photos of what you like, to help narrow down your own preferred style. Then study all the pics carefully and work out what you like about them. Then see if you can reproduce that look in your own tank.

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there's definately a few companies overseas that do a job aquascaping for rich lazy people, I use them as ideas...and you should leave it for it while (I change my tank around every 5/6months) b'cos it does stress your fish out a bit unless you don't have fish in it

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Why would you want to disrespect your tank? Most people would be happy to never feel their tank is inferior.

Now, if you're never content with it, I'd suggest just leaving it alone for a few weeks, you'll never be satisfied if you're constantly rearranging it. It's not as if the fish care what it looks like.

Why would you want to disrespect your tank? Most people would be happy to never feel their tank is inferior
Im not, why would you think that? I dont feel it is inferior at all, i just dont like the way it looks atm.
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Ira was just being a smarty-pants. You used the word "contempt" when you meant "content."

I would say to Ira "people who live in glass fishtanks shouldn't throw stones" and he'd better watch out next time he uses a word in the wong context! :lol:

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Butt yewe mite miss spel won, hehe :lol:

Anyway aquavitamins - lets see some pics so we can pull it to pieces - erm i mean offer some improvement possibilities :wink:

Actually, none of those words are spelled incorrectly.

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They are for the sentence they are in though, lol. On another note - there are some letter combinations in the Thai language which, when pronounced differently, mean up to five totally different things. And none of this nonsense is going to help with aquascaping :lol: :lol:

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