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Borelli or Steelblue?


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So i have 3 apistos in my 300L community tank.

1 was bought from animates as 'borelli' , but i got told it was steelblue.

Then i bought 2 off trademe as borelli that were bred by BK.

They all look identical, and i got 3 males and cant tell the difference.(they all have pointed fins)

Any ideas whos who? They all have a grey body with a dark line going down their body and a bit of blue on their face and a slight blue on their body sometimes.

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Animates have been getting in steel blues as borelli and they are unable/unwilling to rename them as anything else due to their system and how it works..

I had a female from BK and a steel blue male, they looked similar but not the same so too dodgy to breed from.. I would suggest you get more "borelli" from animates or more "borelli" from BK to make up pairs of what you have otherwise apisto id's are just too dodgy.. I am unsure exactly what that Borelli from BK are either they are probably the opal or wild type colouration as mine didn't really do an awful lot and I ended up loosing them all :(

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When I got the steel blue and BK female pair I emailed BK and asked for his opinion.. He picked the female as his and the male had definite differences from his "borelli" line mainly he was alot more colourful than BK's ones.. I guess it is upto you :)

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see http://www.dwarfcichlid.com/index.php

this site has a good explination as to what is what.

steel blue are a morph.

I have 2 x breeding trio that have bred

I am looking at importing true Apistogramma borellii

The importers have plenty of 'steel blues' at the moment.

good luck they are still a beautifulm fish

female turns yellow when spawning

temp selection yeilds:

26 deg, all female

27 deg, mixed sexes

28 deg, all males

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see http://www.dwarfcichlid.com/index.php

this site has a good explination as to what is what.

steel blue are a morph.

I have 2 x breeding trio that have bred

I am looking at importing true Apistogramma borellii

The importers have plenty of 'steel blues' at the moment.

good luck they are still a beautifulm fish

female turns yellow when spawning

temp selection yeilds:

26 deg, all female

27 deg, mixed sexes

28 deg, all males

That site clearly states noone really knows what they are and they are most likely hybrid.. It is a very good site and has some of the best info on steel blues that I have seen so thanks for sharing it :)

Do you have your importers licence and quarantine room silverfox it would be a very handy thing to have (but not economical to have) at times that's for sure...

Seems the steel blues are pretty easy to breed there are a few locally breeding them that I know of so bound to be many more with them, a very nice fish though one of these days I might get a girl for my lonely boy, but as their future in NZ is pretty secure its probably not worth it..

Dixon do you have any pics of your male from BK's line? Or does it just look like a steel blue?

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Oh the baby thing ...thought it was keeping sanity.

has anyone seen mine?

I think all that Meth Blue has driven it out.

Out damn spot I say.

Anyways....Would the Real Borelli please stand up Please stand up...?

Pity these are not around as Casseroles Avitar is very nice.

Would be great to put some down next to the filamentosa and the flashers and the Nanos and those Pelvachromis Taienatus reds yellows and greens.


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Alas dear Nvarre i knew him well

To be or not to be, that is the question;

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep;

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to — 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;

To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub,

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause.

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