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four striped clown loach


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thanks. when i got them they were normal looking. I only get the V shaped ones. and they have to have the V shape on both sides. 4 or 5 out a batch of 10 grew spots. i initially thought it was something dangerous. but then i saw it was pigmentation on the skin. it goes real dark when they are happy and eating.

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A towns or mine? Or both? I'll take the complement any how ha ha :o :lol: :lol: :lol:

they get hikari and colour bits with courgette and spirulina flakes and liquid multivitamin in the water.

Liquid Multivitamins? Where and what do you use Phoenix? I have done some reading and would like to Vit B and at least it would be covered in the Multi.

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made for birds, great for fish! :lol:


Cool thanks Phoenix :hail: , that's exactly what I was looking for, so I should be able to get it from the Vets? Any idea of cost?

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i dunno. i just put like 5 ml in there occasionally. sometimes if im up to the task, ill put it with the bloodworms and then give it to them or if i really feel generous, ill put some on the hikari sticks (like a drop or so), and then let them dry out, and then ill give it to them.

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