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Update of my pond and fry


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I may have had no success with the tropicals outside this year but the cooler weather did not slow the goldfish down at all! The most fry I have counted, coming up to feed this week, has been 40 but they are still mainly bronze so hard to spot. They are also zippy! :roll:


Here is the size difference...




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I assume by 'thick green plant' you mean the oxygen weed. It was hauled out of the local river :lol:

There must be at least 100 goldfish in there now :bounce:

The oldest would be 5 years or so. The pond is into its 3rd year.

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:bounce: Awesome Caryl :bounce:

So do they stay near the top of the pond alot???

I was going to ask the same thing as A-town, so just to be sure we are talking about the same plant :oops: it looks kind of like branches?

Oh by the way, any more trouble with herons?


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They cruise the surface when it is warm and sunny. In winter they hardly appear at all as they spend most of their time at the bottom where it is warmer. I will see if I can get Grant to video them following me as I mow the lawn 8)

It is the plant that looks like branches.

No more trouble with herons. They only pass through for a few weeks near Christmas. I am sure it will return the same time next year! :roll:

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