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Amount of rocks & silicone?


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Considering how heavy rocks can be, how do you determine how much/many rocks your tank will safely hold???

How do you know if silicone is aquarium safe? Are you folks buying it in a pet store??



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so long as your base glass is supported evenly and the rocks are put in gently you could probably fill the tank

that is so long as the stand will support the weight

some people put thin polystyrene under large rocks as an extra precaution

make sure rocks are not able to slip and jar the glass

over here silicone is available in a hardware store, should say safe for aquarium use on the tube

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Livingart, many(If not most, I'm not sure on the exact number) tanks in north america don't have the base supported at all. The whole tank is just supported around the edge.

You should see how violently they'll argue with you that if you have a tank's entire base supported that it will break. :roll:

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Livingart, many(If not most, I'm not sure on the exact number) tanks in north america don't have the base supported at all. The whole tank is just supported around the edge.

You should see how violently they'll argue with you that if you have a tank's entire base supported that it will break. :roll:

you learn something new every day :D

do they have a lot of cracked tank bases over there?

if your entire base is not supported caper then the amount of rock you place in the tank will be dependant on the thickness of your base and the equations involved are beyond my meagre knowledge :wink:

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you learn something new every day :D

do they have a lot of cracked tank bases over there?

if your entire base is not supported caper then the amount of rock you place in the tank will be dependant on the thickness of your base and the equations involved are beyond my meagre knowledge :wink:

They seem to get a lot, but whether that's due to more people or higher odds, I don't know.

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livingart, Ira...what do you mean by the base not being supported :oops: :oops: Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

Thanks for the site Zev, me leave here...absolutely NOT. You folks are my anchors in the aquarium world plus you're my friends :P So, nope, not getting rid of me :P:o We do have a Rona store here, well used to be called something else but now Rona so I'll have to check it out.



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What they mean is that the entire base of the aquarium sits flat on the tank stand of table it is sitting on - the whole glass sheet, not just a frame around the edges of the tank where the sides join.

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So all my tanks have a metal frame on the top and bottom. So it's not just glass sitting on stand.

Does this make a difference in the amount of rocks or if you can use rocks at all??? I'm just planning on a few rocks if I can get some once the weather gets warmer and I head to the beach. Would like to try and silicone some together :-? 8)


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