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Discus, what do I do now??


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My discus have had babies and they are just as the books describe.... swimming round and attaching to both mother and father...

It is just so exciting....

Can anyone tell me please.... what am I to do next?? In some of the books I have read they say to boil an egg and feed them the yolk, but as they seem to be living off the parents am I to do this or not???

Any information would be greatly appreciated ....

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im not an expert on them, but for the first few days dont they feed of the milk excreted from the scales of the mothers body? and then i spose you'll want to start them on the yolk of a ten minute boiled egg, crush it up into your palm with a wet finger and then give it to the babies. also i think you can feed them daphinia?

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Congratulations Mouse, very exciting, what kind of discus are they?

The parents will provide enough food until you can get some egg yolk boiled and ready and soon they will be able to eat newly hatched baby brine shrimp, if you don't know how to do this you should be able to buy them frozen from your local fish shop.

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Father is a blue turquoise and the mother I brought as a brown, but she has always been quite a distint red since I brought her, and as they also had blood red written up on the window I wondered if they got mixed up... anyway, its all to my advantage... I thinks shes beautiful !!

And now I have babies. Even more exciting.

Thanks Luke*

I brought frozen brine shrimp from the FS, but neither the parents or babies would look at eating it so today after the fish show, I called into Hastings and got the eggs to have a go at hatching them myself.

Thankfully Cat is not far from me and is going to give me a helping hand to get them going. She also has daphnea so I will start a coloney of my own.

Some kind person at the fish show gave me a microworm culture ( I think that is what its called) which I have just got going.

I also got some oxeheart and minced that and will grate it when its frozen for both parents and fry.... so all in all with everything on the move lets hope they like at least one of the foods on the menu. :lol:

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Opiki is South of Palmerston North on the way to Shannon.

I do have pictures but do not know how to get them from my PC to here.. sorry Luke.

They (fry) are all doing well. Had to take the father out as he was attacking the mother trying (fighting) to take over the babies... she was getting stressed but now hes gone into another tank... (sulking wondering how much child support he has to pay) she is doing really well on her own.

She has taught them to eat from the top as well as the bottom of the tank.. so far I have seen them eat the micro whiteworms and crushed up flake... it is really interesting to watch her teaching them.

So far all is excellent...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Child support, I will have you know that the dad almost wasted away to nothing worrying about it but after two weeks now he has come out, glazed eyes are normal and he is the most beautiful colour I have ever seen him. Must have been what he needed to make the "colourful man" out of him... rofl plus I told him he wouldnt have to pay child support lol

The mum is back to her lovlely colours and they occassionaly meet in the tank, he does his little shakey dance and she well she watches then they spat, hes at one end of the tank and her the other.

Oh well, no worries dont have enough tanks etc if they spawn again anyway.

The fry, well, I fed them daphnea and within minutes I had lost a dozen or more, and over the next 24 hrs another doz ... I decided not to feed it again - perhaps it had too much bacteria in it. I cut down on the feedings to 4-5 a day alternating between brine shrimp and micro-worm and put in an air stone and since then havnt lost another one. Have now started to feed them a little flake and blood worm and they are nibbling away at that quite happily.

They are all growing well, I do a water change of round 15lts each morning and in in all are really pleased with them (plus myself :oops: ) :lol: I have counted round the 100 mark still alive.

I think there are another two pair of discus in my tank as well so am quite looking forward to trying them next time round. One is a blue (no stripes) and the other is a blue snakeskin. (with stripes)

I have a digital camera... cheapo but works well.

Long answer Luke.. hope it didnt send you to sleep...

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Hehe no I liked the long reply. Discus sound fascinating. Interesting about the daphnia, must be infected with something. Good you still have a hundred man that's heaps! Sounds like you have good variety of foods, good water change schedule, great stuff especially for your first breed :)

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Subject: Discus juveniles

Hey are you looking to sell any of the babies? And if so, for how much? I would also pay for couriering. How big are they and what size tank are they in at the moment?

In answer to your question Luke, yes I will be selling the discus once they are a bit bigger... quite little at the moment. Not quite a 5c peice so once they are bigger no worries. Leave it a couple of months and then get back to me... they are in a 3ftr tank. Plenty of room to grow.


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Thats great to hear...goo djob on the discus mouse :). Keeps us in track of what is going on hehe. Let me know you decide to sell any where i really want to keep a couple of discus :D.

Good luck with the babies

Cheers daniel


if you have a yahoo acount you can create a photo album

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Sounds good mouse. The daphnia may have been too large for the fry and that is why they died.

If you put pics in a yahoo album you can put a link to it but not add any of the pics into the threads here. If you want to do that I suggest you use a host like photobucket.

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Babies doing really well. Growing quite nicely...

Had to take the mother out luke, she was stressing badly but shes back to normal now.

Gees Caryl, never thought of the daphnia being too big... that could be it.

I fed it to my other tank of fish and they were fine so that may be it.

Will wait a bit longer before trying again. Thanks for that... gives me hope :lol:

I have introduced bloodworm and the frozen shimp and it is so interesting watching them take bites... literally bites from such small mouths of the bigger foods.

Will do Daniel when they bigger...

Cant wait to try out my other pair next time. They have been cleaning and trying to lay but with the other discus and smaller fish have no chance. :cry:

Oh for more tanks !!!!!

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