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White cloud mountain minnows


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White clouds have been a prohibited import for as many years as long as I can remember (maybe 40) but they have been like axylotls and go in and out of popularity with MaF. What are these gold morphs like, might be worth getting some. I just gave my normals to a friend to keep the mossies down in his half wine barrel lilley ponds today. I was at a meeting many years ago when a rep from MaF was lecturing about all the nasty fish that had been smuggled into the country including white clouds and an old guy down the back (looked about 100 not out) started waving a bit of paper he claimed was a letter of approval from way back to import them. I did't follow it up but it always makes me wonder.

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So what do the eggs look like on these guys? The female that I have has got me worried lol but then again I worry about any super large female fish. I have found two little white coloured little round things which I would like to hope are eggs on the outer edge of the java moss. When the female drops her eggs will there be a big change in her body shape? like will she lose the plumpness of her belly to let me know that yes there maybe some eggs in there?

Hoping to add these little guys to my soon to be set up breeding room :D


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What is the recommended food for these guys? I was told that normal goldfish flakes would be ok but I haven't seen them eat it. I have given them a small amount of blood worm (jiggled a piece about till a few worms fell off) and thats all. I am soon to have microworms and whiteworms. Untill then would goldfish flake be ok or would I be better with tropical flake?


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alanmin, if you didn't look closely, you'd think that they were albinoes.

Suppose that was why they were labled that way.

But the shop keeper Dave, agreed with me that they weren't true albino, just looked that way.

No pink eyes is a sure fire way of telling that.

Alan 104

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I'd agree on that alanmin, as with most things that humans muck around with,

what they started with is a design for a purpose that didn't need mucking around with.

The long finned oscars is a classic example, as is the colour morphs of the dwarf gourami,

all the shades, almost, of the rainbow, but now, compared with the "naturals",

are very poor at breeding and are so delicate,

you only need to sneeze in the same room as them and they'll get whitespot or dropsy, etc

Alan 104

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a heap of these in a 3 ft tank that was pretty well planted and fed them well rtc and they spawned pretty much every day, I never removed any babies and they just swum around and the parents didn't bother them...

Needless to say it didn't take long for the tank to fill...

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