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Whats best live or fake plants?


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LIVE live live!!! :bounce:

you need good lighting, good substrate (ferts in the substrate although fish poop is good fert), and good supplements in the water. and once your plants establish there should be no problem.

Some red spots eat plants, so you may want to avoid broad leafed plants, but i get mine young and feed them well and never have a problem with plant eaters.

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You have an odd mix of fish there. Angels, for instance, like an acidic tank whereas the electric yellows are African cichlids that prefer very alkaline water. They should not be together.

The plec will tend to uproot plants when it moves :roll:

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It depends on what you mean by "best." To me, live plants are the best because they look natural, help keep the water chemistry nice for the fish, and are part of the pleasure of the whole hobby. IMO, thetre is nothing more beautiful than a tank full of healthy, thriving fish and plants.

Ira's comments would indicate that he thinks fake plants are best for ease of maintenance, and because they aren't demanding about what kind of conditions you keep them in (lighting, substrate, etc).

So really it comes down to what you think is "best" and what is the most important to you.

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Ira's comments would indicate that he thinks fake plants are best for ease of maintenance, and because they aren't demanding about what kind of conditions you keep them in (lighting, substrate, etc).

And fish can't eat them.

Well...Most fish.:P

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to me fake plants look fake... so goes against what you are trying to recreate (if like me a "natural" habitat" ... looking after fish is time consuming so meh what is removing a few dead leaves here and there or replacing a few plants

so my answer is live and whatever you can get cheaply that has the look you want

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I have seen the most amazing fake (silk) plants for sale in the US. Nothing like the awful-looking plastic ones we get here! But I still prefer live plants, for the same reason I prefer live plants inside my house. Personal preference I suppose.

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mj wrote:

to me fake plants look fake

Now I have to admit all my fake plants do look fake :-? To me, no question about it! However, I have seen some pics on here of fake plants that you wouldn't know if not told.

Personally I keep fake because they are easier to maintain :lol: :lol: and I can move them anywhere I want in the tank without distrubting any roots. Plus, I'm not brave enough to try real ones, plus laziness is part to play too 8) :o


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