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Cicada macros


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I can only see Ira's photo

Zev has the server thingy been fixed as I know lots have commented on trouble viewing photos and I know it is intermitant for me

I also remember 2 types of circada. Smaller Green ones and big brown ones.

My dad used to call them Bush Circada's. And from memory they were always near native bush.

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Ahh... thrill of chasing a cat around the house with something in its mouth going...


Weird about the images, Nav.

The only difference I see between Caryl's and Ira's is...

Ira's is 20kb smaller and 53px less heightwise. He has also stripped the EXIF data out of his image.

But apart from that, there is not much else. Perhaps if Caryl's had been huge in file size, I could sort of understand what is going on, but unfortunately this is not the case... Sorry.

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We have a lot of dragonflies around the ponds Zach. I believe their larvae attack and eat either the goldfish eggs, or newly hatched fry. :cry:

At least the dragonflies are silent :roll:

And they are evil looking things too the nymphs. Nature never ceases to amaze me, how do beautiful dragonflies come from such evil little critters lol

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can only see Ira's photo

Zev has the server thingy been fixed as I know lots have commented on trouble viewing photos and I know it is intermitant for me

i know i cant see gif photos at polytech, only jpg, and this seems to be the problem here...

now, can someone tell me how to fix it?

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