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White patches on BGK


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My poor ghost knife isn't so well. Hes still swimming around really fine and eating etc. But under his lateral fins he has white patches almost like flaking skin. And a patch further up his side as well.

Water parameters are:

Nitrate 0

Nitrite 0

pH 6. - 6.4 - which it has always been for the last year we have had him. Cant seem to get it higher and I would prefer it to be stable that up and down.

Ammonia 0 - .10

I will try and get a photo I just need to recharge my battery :P

All other fish are fine that I can see.

I am about to do a water change just to be on the safe side. Then will put in some melafix.

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Oh please now that I have photos if anyone can help. We dont wanna loose this guy. We brought him spur of the moment one day cause we were concerned ghost knifes as they got older would eat our tetras etc... He was about 10cm and now hes nearly 40cm now and has never hurt a single fish he is so awesome ... His name is Umaga - after his colours ha thanks to my partner :P

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I dont think it would be heater burn - I have my driftwood set around it so my discus and Umaga cant get around the back to the heater. That is where the GBA hangs out With heater burn aswell would it have all those white lines spreading off it? I dont have another tank big enough for him to go in and I dont think it is contagious :S well atleast im hoping not.

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Ok so its not my night with fish. I was doing a water change and thought I turned off the heater but I didn't flick the switch fully so it was still on. and we all know heaters without water smash. Which is what it did, it cracked I got it all out but I do want to know if there is anything in the heater that may have leaked into my fish tank. .... Ha its just one of those days

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So... I thinki t maybe that too. What can I do to heal it faster?

Melafix, stress coat, what else?

Should I remove what could be scrapping him? In that case he will still need a tunnel so where can I get a nice looking one but without the edges?

water changes...a lot of water changes. and a small quantity of salt. do not add 2 table spoons per litre, or a standard measure like that.

a small quantity will suffice.

stress coat helps too. keep those filters running.

do the white patches resemble a chemical burn... caused by say an overdose of flourish"?

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It could possibly be flourish I have started using that the last couple weeks. But i just put the smallest amount on the area of concern. With flourish wouldn't it fray the fins first? His fins are fine theres just those patches.

Im not sure if thats what Umaga has though? Maybe it is?

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nahh not with the ghosts... the exact same thing happened to my ghost... down to the tee... they are quite sensitive to flourish - but if you used the tiniest amount of flourish then it may indicate that his slime coat had deteriorated before hand for some reason.

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yeah.. he did the first time round... was completely covered in it... so i did water changes every day..(50%).. and i went though stress coat like it grew on trees... also medicated the tank with acriflavine and quinine so no infections would take hold.... it worked in the end...

he died a year later cause of some weird mystery disease that I still haven't been able to figure out..

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i use rock salt or aquarium salt, and not the normal table salt.... some ppl say that iodised salt is fine for the aquarium - but i dont use it... better off using rock salt.

in 286L id add a handful + a bit more or so of that stuff... I dont do accurate measurements .. sorry. but dont add something like 2tsp per liter - you only want to stimulate the slime coat to grow back.

If anyone thinks im mistaken im sure they will correct me. :D

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