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Frozen brine shrimp!


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The new pet store actually has frozen food, YAH!

Just to let you know what I presently feed my fish: goldies - flakes, once a week peas; tiger barbs and red eye tetras - flakes, tried peas but weren't overly interested although may try again (looks like one barb is having a little trouble going down to bottom of tank); cory's - shrimp pellets, occasionally flakes.

The frozen shrimp are in small cubes and the guy at the pet store said to use 1/2 of the cube and to put it in a shot glass of water till it softened then put it in the tank. I just went and measured them the cube is approximately 1cm x 1cm.

Since I never had the opportunity before to use this product, do I follow his instructions? The 1/2 cube I think he was talking about feeding the barbs and tetras. What about the goldies and cory's?? When I first had fish I tried dried brine shrimp, I think that's what they were called. None of my fish were interested a that time with that kind.


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I would even quarter the cube. It is amazing how many shrimps are in that tiny area! Less waste and fouling if the fish don't eat it too. Remember they don't always take to new foods straight away but keep trying small amounts, if that turns out to be the case, for a few days.

Feed it more the tropicals. They are probaly too small for the goldfish. Try to give a bit and see. The corys will munch on anything that ends up in their territory.

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Thank you all :bow::bow:

alan wrote:

I take it that you have frozen adult brine shrimp rather than frozen brineshrimp nuplii

Ah, what does nuplii mean :oops: On the package they are just called "Frozen Premium Dried Shrimp". They did have smaller packets that he said you would just break a piece off and I thought they had baby brine shrimp on the packet but I could be wrong.

Zev wrote:

Probably best if you rinse it in a fine sieve before you feed it as well

What is the reasoning behind that Zev?

I guess my goal here is to try and give a variety of food to my fishies so they are not always getting dried flakes. So, I'm not as concerned about the goldies since they do get there vegies :lol: Caryl do you think that gives them enough variety flakes and peas???

I don't know if feeding the frozen shrimp would be of any benefit to the cory's since they are getting the shrimp pellets anyway, what do you think?

The store also had other frozen foods that I see folks here use bloodworms, but I don't think they are a good idea for my fish??? beefheart which I known my fish don't need, right? but they do have frozen mosquito larvae, what are you opinions on the mozzie larvae (mozzies are mosquitos right :oops: :P )


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Yes Alan I think the smaller packet did say baby brine shrimp where this doesn't say either.

Does it make a difference as far as feeding goes? You can tell I need a life when I'm excited that I can get frozen food for my fish :lol: :lol:

What do you think about the mosquito larvae?


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Mosquito larvae are very good food value. The nuplii are better food value and are small and fed to fry. They have a yolk sack and therefore that is added food value. Provided the fish can eat the shrimp and it is not over fed causing polution they should be great. Best thawed and the water changed to get rid of nutrient that may polute the tank.

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As suggested by Caryl probably not going to bother feeding to the goldies, and since the cory's get shrimp pellets they're not getting either.

So I am going to try with my barbs and red eye tetras. I think for the first feeding I'll do as Caryl suggested only a quarter of the cube. I'll feed probably the day before a water change so if there is anything left over I hopefully will get rid of it!

So would the mozzie larvae be good for all my fish?

Another question :-? , Do I let it completely thaw, keeping in mind I have no idea what any of this stuff looks like thawed :-? :o . Since I'm going to be feeding it to the barbs/tetras, I have a little measuring cup I thought I would just take out some tank water and let it thaw in that????does that sound ok?


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You can thaw it if you want. Just drop it in a small container and wait. It won't take long. You know when it is thawed as it will look like an odd coloured puddle.

Fish love mozzie larvae. My goldfish in the pond seem to ignore them though. They also ignore all the other critters zipping about, including water boatmen, backswimmers and dragonfly larvae. I think they are too well fed on flakes and pellets :lol:

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Caryl, you have WEIRD fish!

Though my mudfish are allowing waterboatmen to die of old age in their tank :roll:

On topic, I always defrost frozen foods in a fine tea strainer before feeding. No point in putting all that nutrient water into the tank to feed the algae!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, fed the barbs and tetras the shrimp. But gee, they were so small and spread out so fast, I have don't know if any or all or some of the fishies got any :o:o I let it soften in a small container with tank water but when I poured into the tank...it was like zoom, gone!!!! I'm guessing there's no way to tell.


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