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Overnight Loach fatalities


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I got up this morning to find 4 dead fish.

2 x kuhli loaches, 1 x clown loach and 1 x honey gourami.

All these fish have been in the tank for approx 2 years.

All the fish still had bright colours suggesting that it was a recent and rapid death.

None of the fish had any external signs of disease or fighting.

I immediately tested the water.

ammonia= 0

nitrite= 0

nitrate= 10ppm

phosphate less than .25

PH= 7.4 (normal for that tank)

All that has changed is that 2 weeks ago I changed my cf1200 for a 1400lph canister filter with built in UV.

I used the media from the cf1200 in the new filter.

There was room for another tray of media so I added new noodles in that tray.

All that I can think of is that the new noodles and sponges created an overnight nitrite spike that was undetectable in the morning.

Any Ideas??

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The time frame seems wrong to blame the new filter or media but I have no other suggestions off-hand. Apart from the gourami, the rest are bottom dwellers. Have you a "dead spot" in the gravel somewhere?

Are the surviving fish acting as normal?

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rite... it could have been an ammonia spike.

no/low ammonia detectable now right?

use stress coat and aloevera gelly or similar if you have some.

have a look at the eyes closely... any white film forming there?


That sounds like a possibility due to the change of filter etc. :hail:

No detectable ammonia now.

I have no stress coat or aloevera jelly until tomorrow.

I do have melafix or could add some rock salt. Would any of these be of benifit or should i wait for the stress coat.

Mystic: I do have a few rocks and logs etc in the tank but they have all been in there of over 2 years.

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add some salt to make the fish go into overdrive and make more slime coat. just in case.

loaches will be fine with that.. ive got 10 CL's and they are ok with a lot of salt in the tank.

oh also .. do a pH test if you can and let us know what the results are.

melafix is a controversial one here - but ive used it commercially with success - so if you have some cant hurt to use it.

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add some salt to make the fish go into overdrive and make more slime coat. just in case.

loaches will be fine with that.. ive got 10 CL's and they are ok with a lot of salt in the tank.

oh also .. do a pH test if you can and let us know what the results are.

melafix is a controversial one here - but ive used it commercially with success - so if you have some cant hurt to use it.

Thanks Phoenix, What rate of salt/litre do you recomend with loaches.

Just re tested the ph and its still at 7.4 after the 50% change (normal for the tank)

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if anyone wants to know a more measured amount of salt to use in different situations:

1/2 tsp per litre for whitespot/ich, fin rot etc

1 tsp per litre for columnaris and anything really nasty and quick...

to calculate larger volumes, 1 tsp is roughly 6.6g. Play with a calculator to work out cupfuls.

It is also only accurate measures of TABLE salt, as rock, flaky etc salt have different grain sizes.

Do regular waterchanges and replace the salt for the volume that was removed. Treat for as long as needed, and just slowly remove the salt with normal waterchanges afterwards.

Kiwiplymouth - sorry for your loss. Most annoying and puzzling!

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Oh dear, what a shocking thing to wake up to on a Sunday morning! Sorry for your losses, and good luck saving the rest of the fish.

What is the temperature in the tank? (It's not a seriously malfunctioning heater is it?) And can we assume you did the water change using all your usual equipment and water supply - nobody had used your water-change bucket to scrub the floor? You don't have any kids who might have tried 'feeding' the fish with something toxic? (I'm just grasping at straws here.)

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Get some stress coat, my panda corys got a white film thing over them and their fins looked like fin rot after I put too much flourish excel in and after putting some stress coat in and doing water changes I saved most my fish

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