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Cannister filter question


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We have a new pet store and they sell cannister filters, yah, I think! Now, I suppose I could take forever and try to find all the posts about Fluval filters but I'm hoping you will not make me do that :(:o:P

I have to admit that I never read many of the posts because until now you couldn't purchase a cannister filter here.

I have my 55 gallon tank, still not set up since I still haven't figured out where to put it! Maybe at some point I'll post pics of my livingroom to see if anybody had any suggestions. My space is very limited.

ANYWAY, now that I can actually purchase a cannister filter. What are your suggestions, pros/cons re: fluval??????



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They're good. Not quite as good as eheims but far less expensive.

I prefer Aquaone CF1200s though to something like a 404(I guess they're up to 405s now which I haven't seen) because it costs about 1/3 as much and seems much more user friendly.

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I find that Fluvals are good.

I have used them on all my large tanks (3ft plus) I am using the following models 403, 303, 404

The newer 05 series I think are rather ho hum compared to the older 03 series, but overall, I would say that Fluvals are a good brand.

What model are you looking at getting? 305 or 405?

The new models you can place the inlet at one end of the tank and the outlet at the other end, this way you can get a nice flow through the tank from one end to the other :D

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I cannot give an unbiased opinion here Caper, I have only used Fluvals, which I find work well, and therefore cannot comment on the other brands.

It is like the argument I had with a tele-research person a while back..

Researcher - 'And on a scale of one to ten, ten being good, how do you rate your telephone provider against other providers out there?'

Me - 'I have not used any other provider, so cannot give an informed answer'

Pause from researcher - 'um, but on a scale of...... I need to put a number in here'


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Hooray Caper! If your LFS is selling fluvals, then go get yourself a fluval! I have to admit I have only used eheims so I can't make an informed comment (on a scale of 1 - 10 I rate them 11) BUT any cannister filter will transform your life, so go get it!

Oooh and then set up your nice big tank! I don't know how you can bear having a tank there without setting it up. Sell the rest of your furniture if you have to! :lol:

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Darn, when I try to submit I get a general error and everything is wiped out. I'm trying to attach pics of my livingroom to see if anyone can suggest how/where I can put my tank. Is it the pics????

Anyway, they have Fluval 305, 300L, 70 gallon, 1000 L/H, 260 gph (is that gallons per hour :oops: ). No eheims, they did have something called Aqua??? but I can't remember I"ll check the next time I'm there but I thought they were hang on the back type.

They also have Fluval 405 for 100 gallons and Fluval FX, I didn't write down the stuff for these as I think FX is out of my league money wise and size wise. However, I was wondering about the 405?????

I just read another post where Zev talked about a SQL error that's what happening when I try to post pics of livingroom. There are 5 pics is that why I can't post them?????


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the 405 is fantastic.

if you were in palmy you would be welcome to see how effective it is. infact i just bought another one - just incase, and because of the price difference - it was much cheaper than comparable eheims (even when the eheims were half price.. so were the fluvals.. but ive worked with both filters, and the store i work in uses eheim pro's, but i use fluvals cause i can save my self some money and get the same results if not better).

so yeah. if you want a quiet, good, reliable filter that wont bum out on you then go for it. and fluval have a 10 year part retention policy - and most places will simply replace the filter if something does happen to it within warranty.

the 405 i have is running on a 200L 4 ft tank, and soon there will be another 405 on that tank. one with bio media and sponges etc, and the other with water additives like bio chem zorb.. etc. etc....

Edit - PS.. having said that... the eheim (forgetting the model) is on sale for 199 down from 400.. .. hope this helps caper.

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True Zev :bounce: :bounce: and I LOVE IT! ah, being a part of this website that is 8)

Okay, so that could be the trouble then Caryl as a matter of fact I just questioned that after a post you made in the website section. Zev is going to see if she can get them to post for me. I'm really hoping that people can see what I'm up against as far as trying to find a place for my tank and can offer some suggestions...without throwing out furniture :lol: :lol:

phoenix, that's okay...I WOULD LOVE to visit New Zealand but unfortunately I'd have to win the lottery :(

Why are you putting another 405 on your tank phoenix???


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Why are you putting another 405 on your tank phoenix???


cause i can :lol: ... i want more clown loaches. im down to 9 i think. and i need to have 12 in the tank.. then there's the blue rams i want... and the elephant nose fish... and some more kribs...

so a second filter though im sure is not needed; will be useful as. ive always wanted "nitrazorb" in the cannister along with bio chem zorb... and the filter was half price, so was only like 200and some thing dollars, and i can pay it off in however long i like.

more filtration is always better lol... even if this is overdoing it... slightly. ha ha..

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In pic 1 you could replace that tank with a bigger one

In pic 2 you could get rid of that useless looking bookshelf (just throw out the rubbish on it :lol: ), replace it with a higher wall mounted one if you must then put a tank where it was

In pic 3 you could move the tank along to fit another beside it or move the chair forward a little. A tank could fit behind it on eith of those 2 walls

In pic 4 (and 3) you could get rid of that silly little table. There no need for a useless item like that when the space it takes up could be used by another tank :wink:

You could also get rid of that large entertainment cabinet. Who needs TV or whatever when you have several aquariums? :bounce:

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