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acropora colour change


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Here are some pics of my acropora which has changed colours.

what caused the change ? well it could be anything, i have made a few changes like upgrading my lights from 250w to 400w.

adding reef solution which is a type of coral food.





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What kelvin rating are the new halides? They seem to be alot higher than the previous, this can make things look like they have changed colour a whole lot more.

I use 14000k bulbs with t5s,

This is unlikly caused my coral to change colours as they were changing colour previuosly under 14000k 250w bulbs,

some ohotos are more blue because they have the t5s going. without t5s i get better photos.

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Reef has been using Zeovit, just keeping it quiet

Right, Have not got time to add acid to my tank daily.

Colour change is caused by low nitrates and phostphates.

The addition of reef solution from ecosystem has also made the differance due to the minerals and iron in it.

Nothing to do with lighting. just a fad.

I run a quarantine facility and i see how the true colour of corals are when they arrive.

after 2-3 weeks there is dramatic colour change to a more brownie colour due to the high nitates in the system.

The acropora tank also has 400w and the corals still go brown.

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