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hoping for help getting a new fishy life in NZ


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Hi all :bow:

I have been reading your posts and am warmed by the kindness of responses. It's taken me a while to pluck up the courage to post this - but I have nothing to loose and it seems like a large comunity of fish lovers there.

My hubby unfortunately works without a pc so he can't surf as much as I do. He has been in the pet trade for over 16 years, the last 6-7 years he has been managing the aquarium fish shop here in Port Elizabeth. He has extensive knowledge on all fishy matters, from marine to fresh water and products relating to both. The problem is without a qualifictaion he needs a job offer to get a work permit. I have visited Auckland and surrounds and it's heaven. I was in IT 3 years ago and now am import freight clerk for international company.

Please if anybody can help we would be most grateful. He isn't picky and would liek to do anything "fishy" related, whether it be repping or whoelsale or hatchery...anything. He is a very hard worker as his references from his current distributors show.

he might not have a job here for much longer so if anybody can help us start a new life, please let me know.

Thank you for reading :roll:

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Welcome dreamer. It is getting harder to get into NZ and you have to qualify on some sort of points system I believe. I have an English friend trying to do this too with no luck so far. Very little going job-wise in the aquarium trade I think with poor pay.

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Thanks everyone :wink: - makes we wanna hop on the plane right now when I see all your welcomes and kindness. David's work here is stressinghim out terribly and I worry about him. Anything in the pet trade will be great - so even if you know someone in a chain or franchise store etc...he' could do pets too - he always gets asked to clip wings and sex birds...yup apparently that's quite a tricky thing to do :oops:

And if anyone wants to take me on - I have experience from banking to IT to imports...

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oh we know that - and we will do things right - we have a consultant advising us but first David needs an offer before we can proceed. If consulatant advises suffiecient for work permit then they will then process the application etc. :-?

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Hi and welcome to the forums..

Sounds like you are in a very tricky situation, to be honest getting a job without attending an interview etc will be very difficult..

There are a few nz jobs here


also http://www.seek.co.nz/

Maybe you could google employment agencies in NZ and see if they have luck finding you something.. Most of the pet jobs seem to be very low paid fairly menial jobs keeping fish is alot smaller in NZ than where you are owing to the smaller population I guess :)

Anyway good luck :)

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Hello and Welcome.

Good luck with your dreams.

NZ is such a lovely country, I know a guy that moved here from South Africa two years ago.(he was just under 21 at the time so he took advantage of coming over on his parents visa)

He vows to never live in SA again, and thinks NZ is paradise.

I gues we dont really know how lucky we are here.

Anyway. Good Luck and Welcome to the site. :lol:

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Hey dreamer. I only saw this post now. I am sorry for the late welcome...better late than never!

I am an ex Port Elizabethan. Been here for just over 3 months now and am really loving it. Hang in there and dont give up.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. :D

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