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German Shepherd but full time job


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That would depend on how you tether them together, to be in series you would have to have the lead to the first dog held by the person walking them, the first dog is tethered to the second dog with a separate lead, and then another lead from the second dog back to the person walking them.

Parallel would require two leads, one to each side of the first dog, which in turn is tethered by a further two leads to each side of the the second dog - probably best not to get them twisted, or they will short out.

I think one lead per dog would be all that's necessary, they'd clearly be a ground return system. :)

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I don't see any problem with leaving dogs at home while you are at work.

The two i have are alone while i am at work, One is a BMD and the other a lab cross that i train for SAR.

GSD are great dogs but do need a heavy hand and prefer to be doing something.

Hey TM does BMD stand for Bernese Mountain Dog? If so can i bombard you with questions about them? Am on a waiting list for one at the moment.

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IMHO there is some kaka being spoken here.

With teh current anti dog societal views currently expressed itis dangerous to follow bad advice especially with a GSD

Do Not exercise your dog at night.

especially if you leave them at home in the day while you work.

Do Not exercise a puppy...no matter what breed until their growth plates have fused...this is age dependant for many breeds.

Dogs are territorial and pack based. They dont bark when you are home cause you are the leader and TCB. When you are not there they have to step up so that is why they bark.

Size of section is relevant but not that much.

Exercise your dog in the morning. Feed main meal in the morning. Dog has needs met and will sleep during day. Be settled at night when you are there to TCB. Put a toy down when you leave for the day and pick it up when you get home. Use different toys for different days. Do not use the toys you use to train with.

Always have water down and dont feed until after exercise.

Routine is esential as is knowing their place.

Another dog IS NOT the answer

And for those that dont know I run 12 boxers boston and bull terriers all in show condition as a pack on a couple of acres.



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Yes I crate train all my guys from 6 weeks.

I do this for several reasons.

It makes it way easy for me.

It makes it very easy to house train.

Also as I breed to improve to the standard I make sure that I have quality dogs BUT most dogs go on to be someones loved family pet so it is good if dogs have a place that is theirs. When a pup goes in to its crate its like " down time" also means you can crate your dogs if you have non doggy people around or you need to restrict it for any reason. In saying that I never crate to punish, only to withdraw.

I have 8 runs that they go in to sleep at at night. These are concrete and mesh with a "house" and a drain and water. No toys in the runs. They are not there to play.

I can highly reommend crate training.

However it is what works for you. Each dog is an individual and needs to be treated as such..in saying that all the individuals are there on my terms...lol.

does that help?


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Hey TM does BMD stand for Bernese Mountain Dog? If so can i bombard you with questions about them? Am on a waiting list for one at the moment.

Yes and yes.

Here she is as a pup, about 10 weeks


And at about 14 months


Where are you on the waiting list?

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She is so cute! If you don't mind me asking, but how much did you pay for her?

I am on the waiting list at:

BRIENZ Kennels

Schallenberg Bernese

Barbera Tate (not sure of kennel name)


Have you had any problems with your girl, i know from all the reading i have done that the are prone to health problems.

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She is not to show or breed from etc so she will be the same price.

We got ours through Lisa (Anahera).

Have not had any health problems so far, like with any dog there are some things that may go wrong. This breed are known for there problem with there hip, joints etc so geting a good dog to start with should help.

Also we are only just starting to take our dog for walks/runs now, we were very carefull not to give her to much untill she got a bit older.

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Eukanuba do a specalist food for GS... With this it comes with a booklet on it, I highly recomend going to your pet store that carries this brand of food and ask them to get your the booklet. Also No dont exercise a puppy until about 18months, back yard games are fine at this stage. STIMULATION is all they need...

Um bermise are big push overs, they are used to lug large cart loads so VERY powerful dogs but just a big sofety all up.

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