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Marlborough/Tasman BBQ


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Hi all. An open invitation to anyone wanting to attend a combined Marlborough and Tasman club BBQ at our place, 8a Faulkland Drive, Blenheim Saturday from 10am onwards.

BYO BBQ. Meat for yourself and a salad to share (a dessert would be good too :wink: )

Plenty of tables and chairs. Come and sit beside our pond and have a fun, relaxing day with likeminded people.

Fizz, juice, tea, coffe etc provided as are a few chips, dips and nibbles.

Google directions or send me a PM. Anyone coming from away who would like to stay over - not a problem. Spare beds available.

SEE YOU THERE! (or should that be here? :-? )

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Pufferfishnz the BBQ was last Saturday! We had a great time with about 14 people attending. We were sheltered from most of the wind in our garden corner and nobody fell in the fish pond. I did go wading at one point as I was asked how deep it was. I can now tell you - it is exactly knee deep (if they are my knees) :lol:

A new president will be voted in at the AGM in March, along with the other positions. We decided it was easier to wait until then than call a special meeting to appoint a replacement for a couple of months. If you wish to put yourself forward as president (or any of the other positions) please let us know, or if you know of someone you think will be suitable 8)

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oh my goodness!! how bad am I with my dates... haven't had a day off in ages, 1 day melts into another! Glad the BBQ went well.

Id love to be president but don't think that would be the best place to start, but maybe some other position would be better suited for me.

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