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Chinese algae eater


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I've just been dropped off one of these and it's about 8cm long. I know nothing about them and have just done a quick search and found they grow bigger, get more aggressive, like to hide & dig. Well the thing is, i already have 5 bristlenoses cruzing the bottom happily and dont want to upset them, or any other fish at that. This particular fish has been living in a coldwater tank with fancy goldfish (sold by a petshop) and just eating away at their fins. The owner told me it should be alright in a tropical tank. :lol: Anyone with experience keeping these? Tankmates? I personally think it's too big for my tank. (3ft approx 270ltr) Thankyou thankyou.

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I got one in my 3 footer and he's no problem at all, in fact he's a real character. The only fish he hassles is a hoplo cat twice his size, but its only chasing. I see bristlenose and cats sitting alongside him on the bottom.

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