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New job, tell me your horror stories...


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most on here will know that I will debate anything at any time and I have crossed swords with others (OK Warren) a few times but I welcome the rules.

I disagree with posts and posters and will argue my point and have even been known to change my mind from time to time (but I wont admit it of course)

I visit another site (unrelated Fishing) that is open slather with insults and threats as well as photos that are well over the top and I also get into that as their rules allow it.

Will I allow my 17YO daughter to visit it?... nup

I do however often show my daughter(s) and grand kids this site.

As Alan mentioned, we all push the rules at times and yes, the mods may well decide to turn a blind eye to some of the TM references but its normally done with the sprit of the rules in mind.

I am often advising children in here on Killis and will often try to help them and if the site is not welcoming to them or is unsuitable for their parents to allow them to log on, how will I ever get them hooked on Killis?

Better state here and now that this is not aimed at any one, just my take on the rules and the way they are being dealt with

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Getting back to the topic...

I recently spent 6 months off work after being made redundant, and so I was desperate for a job when I finally got offered one. I was 23 days short of my mortgage insurance money running out too!

Anyways, I took the job with a huge pay cut and not fantastic conditions, but it was either take the job or lose my house, go figure.

So, I'm working in fashion retail as a store manager, and my store and two others are covered by the same area manager. All of us at different times had some issues with the way our area manager worked, and so after 3 months I decided she and I needed to have a talk.

Many of the other stores and staff had issues they were concerned about, but they were all too intimidated and nervous about talking to her themselves, so I stuck my neck out and offered to talk to her for them. I thought I would try and do right by the staff to make us all have happier working conditions and get things dealt with.

Well, instead, I got dealt to.

Someone said something, who told someone else, they told a different area manager who then told the national manager, and there ended up being a pretty serious meeting called about it.

The long and the short of it was that everyone turned on me and has made it look like I have been digging for dirt on my area manager and basically stirring it up between all her stores.

I think I have done a fantastic job going in to something I knew nothing about, and thought i was doing the best thing to help the staff. Instead, they all backed down and pointed the finger at me. Now I look terrible in the eyes of the national and area managers, and the other stores are too afraid to talk to me about anything anymore, not even to ring and tell me they got scarred and couldn't go through with it. (talking about their issues that is)

Lesson learnt - go to work, do your job and dd it well, keep your nose clean and DON'T TALK TO ANYONE!

It hasn't been a great week for me...I'm in need of a stiff drink!

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Haha spink speaking of stiff drinks made me recall a more recent embarrasing work situation I experienced.

My workmate and I were sent to Auckland for a seminar/training course thingy. Being from down south, we had to catch a late afternoon flight to Auckland, stay overnight to be there for the full day course the next day. Well my workmate and I started by meeting at his house and having a quiet wine before departing for the airport, which he managed to get us into the Koru Club lounge, which meant free beer & wine. Sweeet! Then since it was the evening or last flight out, we were served more alcohol on the plane. Which was fine, all good fun. But when we got to Auckland at about 9pm, he suggested he take me on a brief tour of Auckland, since I had never been there. We ended up having a drink with the other staff members of the company from around the country then headed on out to the Viaduct. Then I remember having many may drinks several bars on the Viaduct, and I also have evidence of being at the Sky Tower on my cellphone. :o Eventually we got back to our hotel between the hours of 2-3am and we ordered room service. I somehow made back it to my own room and into bed. I woke up the next morning praying that I wouldn't have a hangover, and I felt sort of ok, had a shower, but once I got in the car and we proceeded to the course venue, things took a turn for the worse. We arrived at the venue, and it wasn't long before I was running, frantically searching for the toilets so I could barf. This continued throughout the day. I was sooooooo embarrassed. :oops: And they served morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea which looked sooooo tasty but I couldn't keep anything down. Definitely learned my lesson. Don't let your workmates lead you astray!!!

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Hahah, work drinking stories. We go out on the town untill 3am with other workers and the owners untill 3-4am and then turn up at 8.30 ready for work.

Tourism for you :bounce:

I dont think i have any bad working stories...none that can be talked about on here anyway...dont want to scare 14yo Johny

Have a drink for me Spink

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Hahah, work drinking stories. We go out on the town untill 3am with other workers and the owners untill 3-4am and then turn up at 8.30 ready for work.

Tourism for you :bounce:

I dont think i have any bad working stories...none that can be talked about on here anyway...dont want to scare 14yo Johny

Have a drink for me Spink


Ugh never again I tell you. There is more to my story. Apparently (amazingly!!) people noticed that I was in and out of the seminar and that somehow got back to the CEO of the company who in turn spoke to my boss and asked him to have a stern word in my ear. I never got that stern word from my boss but heard from another workmate that he was supposed to give me a talking to... :oops: Hooray for easygoing bosses :D

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Our boss knows when not to turn up to work :wink:

After our xmas party is one, oh and NYE hahaha

Hes correct I tell you

There is nothing worst than putting on a do for your staff.

There is always one that just dosnt bother to turn up and you end up delaying procedings for them

Then theres the one that gets a few drinks under the belt and starts giving you a hard time about how good they are and how much the company needs them.

Then at the end of the night, they all grab as much booze as they can carry and dissapare.

Christmas parties and booze are the biggest horror stories possible

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when i was 15 the young & dumb years i left my gas pumping job to find my place in the world i landed in carpainting, my 1st week was going great boss was cool but hard and boy could i sand a car an art in its self if ya know the trade & in those days the boy didnt touch a spray gun in the first year of trade, anyways friday of my first week my dad came to pick me up and was outside waiting last job of the day was to burn off the weeks masking paper so i stuffed it in a bin and headed out side to the 44gallon drum burn off round the side of the building when my boss to parts drunk stops me "here take this to get her going" and hands me 5lt jug of paint thinners that the stiring sticks were kept in, i know right, so im out there packing paper in this drum and adding thinner and paper and so on till full right then outta dumb ass luck i thought to lite a bit of paper then put it to the fire and so was done an unfreakin massive bang as the fire shot up in the sky and mushroomed out will above the factory roof raining bits of on fire paper every were, there was so many fires, so so many fires, i was runin here and there trying to put them out till i was so freakin out i ran and got the boss he came round the conner saying ya didnt use all that thinner did ya...worked for the dude for a couple years, cheers to you kev for given a young guy a break, were ever you are.

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I have another work horror story to do with a Christmas party.....long story........

My lesson learnt was never to work for family! :roll:

First year working part time as the office girl for husband family. Get late notice we're having a work barbecue, said I would try and make it but was working at my other full time job so I would see what I could do. Anyways, so my brother-in-law starts ringing me going "when are you coming to have a drink with me?" which straight away indicates to me he is already drunk (he NEVER rings me any other time!).

So after many more similar phone calls, i finish work and go round thinking I'll grab a bite to eat, have one drink before heading home. NOT!!!!

I drive round in to the work carpark to find my VERY drunk boss in his brand new ute with a dunger of an old Subaru attached to the back trying to drag it round the car park. Many expletives came out of my mouth from this point onwards. Got him out of the car and moved the ute, kept the keys. Left the subaru in the middle of the car park, there was no moving this thing - they had cut holes in the roof with a circular saw, broken every light and then every window by putting fists through them, tyres were flat if they were even present on the car, and basically it was a wreck. My brother-in-law had trickled blood all over the car park, all through the office through the kitchen and bathroom, it was all over his shirt which was ripped as well, basically he was a mess. I locked up the office, told the other guys to get lost and tried to take him home. Nup, wouldn't get in the car. So I rang my sister-in-law. She didn't really care as she had 3 kids at home including a baby, and if he wrote himself off then too bad. Brother-in-law decides he wants to go in to town to go to the pub, which I really didn't think was a good idea, but I couldn't get him home so thought fine! Rang his father and his cousin who live down the road, and cousin jimmy goes along to keep an eye on him.

By the way, I didn't get anything to eat or drink as there was nothing left except vomit all through the office.

So I go home, and getting ready for bed as it's late by this stage, and brother-in-law rings me again! All the other guys have left me stranded at the pub, I want to go home can you come and get me? OK, fine. Go to the pub he says he's at, not there, he's at the one over the road. Walk in, there's all the guys, and cousin Jimmy. So I check in with Jimmy, but BIL tells me to sit down, have a drink and something to eat...NUP! I'm going home BYE BYE> Then he decides he will go home of I take him. If it ends my night, fine I'll take him home. Walking out to the car and he tells me how lovely I am. On the way home in the car he tells me how much he loves me and he wishes he had met me before he met my sister in law. From the car to the door, he gropes me in a few places. I gladly pass him off to my sister in law and go home for some well deserved rest.

But guess what?

No, he has never really apologized for his behavior, I had to organize for the removal of the Subaru, i also had to clean up all the blood, vomit and broken glass all over the premises, I never got anything to eat OR the one drink I was supposed to have!


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